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THE NEXT two weeks following George and I's moment on the roof were a blur to me. It mostly included George and I going back and forth from my flat to his, in a snogging haze of unresolved physical lust and a few near slips, if you know what I mean.

I returned to work, feeling just a bit more lighter on my feet than I was before. I'm sure my boss had noticed it, seeming as I had practically skipped to work and jumped into the cafe with the words to the boys' unreleased single, Please Please Me softly passing from my lips.

"Top of the morning to ya!" Christopher called as soon as he saw me from behind the counter and I waved back, beaming with a megawatt smile that only George could have put on my face.

"Morning Christopher!" I hung up my purse onto the barista hook and skipped around the back of the house for my apron and notepad, if I'm taking in house orders.

"Ye look properly jolly. How was the Christmas? Not too lonely I hope." Christopher asked as I passed by his desk as he was filling out some forms and whatnot.

I tried to keep in my giggles as I mulled over what I should truly divulge.

"I spent time with family and my boyfriend. Turns out he made the trip to Westminster after all." I said, not entirely lying at all, but just omitting key phrases like, 'I spent Christmas Eve with my childhood hero', and 'New Years resulted in me deciding to figure out a way to stay here'. I think it best not to trouble other people with this information.

"How lovely for you darling. This weeks schedule is posted on the wall beside the hooks, Miss Smith caught a chill and is bedridden. I hope you don't mind picking up the extra hours." Christopher called out over his shoulder as I walked away with a small groove to my hips.

I checked the schedule and noticed indeed, I did I have more hours here than I'd bargained for. But, it would be all worth it if my plan would come to fruition. I just needed to find my leverage against Kronos, make him see the error of his ways, so to speak. I need to play with the blind spots in his vision.

Make him my bitch, in the same way he'd done to me.

I shivered at my own devious thoughts, and grinned to myself. I was on a path of self discovery that I wasn't sure where I would end up.

After a few hours of mindless work and customer chatter, I was more than happy to go on my break. But not before I took my last order. And boy was it a doozy.

"I'd like a cuppa Earl Grey, no cream. One sugar."


I didn't even need to look up from my pencil pad to know who the voice belonged to. My teeth ground in my jaw and my ears began to ring, all tell tale signs of being visited by the one and only god of time.

"Kronos. What a delightful surprise. Let me get your tea and I'll fix you up at the register, yeah?" I said in the most snotty tone I could managed, all the while grinning like some total nonce. Maybe I could kill him with kindness if I tried hard enough.

Kronos almost seemed put off by my show of absolute clown-esque kindness and nodded in assent and waited for me at the front. I angrily done up his tea without any sugar and put in a dab of salt, pretending I'd mixed the two up.

I headed to the register and took his few pence, and handed him his cuppa with a heartbreakingly wide smile.

"Drink up now, before it goes cold." I advised him as I do with all of my other customers,  resisting  the homicidal urge within me to grab the letter opener beneath the cash drawer and jam it into the side of his exposed neck.

It seemed as if he knew what scene of bloody horror akin to Psycho was playing inside of my head and backed off with a knowing smirk.

"Come, dear. Sit with your dear old friend, won't you? You're on break." Kronos said in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice and I grimaced as soon as his back was facing me as he went to sit at a little table in the middle of the cafe.

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