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TIME MOVED  in slow motion for George as he quickly abandoned his guitar on the stage, running off with a few stumbles towards his collapsed lover

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TIME MOVED in slow motion for George as he quickly abandoned his guitar on the stage, running off with a few stumbles towards his collapsed lover. He could only hear the frantic beating of his heart and the sharp intakes of breath in his lungs as he ran.

After what had felt like an eternity, George reached his collapsed lover where she lay completely unconscious and pale; her brows knotted together in tension. Her rest was less than peaceful.

"Help! Paul! Ritchie!" George yowled, feeling for a pulse point in his love's neck, letting a short lived sigh of relief once he felt her strong piston pumping. She's alive. She's just had a blackout. She's alive. George continually reminded himself as he lifted her head and placed it into his lap as he screamed for someone to call the medics. He couldn't even hear how desperate his own voice sounded when he begged for help, all he could hear was a high pitched ringing that wouldn't subside.

The venue was in total chaos, Brian was nearly tearing his hair from the root as he spoke to the first responders on the phone. John pushed through the crowd as soon as he put two and two together, rushing to Juliet's side to see what had happened to her. As John was making his descent to Juliet, he ran into a rather large man with from what he could see, a damn nice suit. Red pinstripes, is all that John could make out.

" 'scuse me, sod off!" John pushed past the God of Time aggressively, finally reaching the painfully unconscious Juliet with a lump in his throat.

"Wot happened?!" Lennon exclaimed as George fiercely looked up at him and guarded his girl as a crowd of people surrounded them, all bottlenecking to see the drama playing out before them.

"You! Back the fuck off! An' don' make me tell you twice, Lennon." George snarled, his arms protectively circling around Juliet, marking her as his. Protecting her from the predatory nature of his bandmate that was more than definitely getting on his last nerve.

The first responders reached the scene as soon as George caught sight of the all too familiar bastard at the corner of the room. The man who'd been haunting his girl's dreams, the very image of her worst fears. Kronos. The name brought bile and scathing words of malice to George's tongue.

He did this.

"Please help me girlfriend, she just collapsed!" George shouted as the medical responders began tending to the unresponsive girl, the mystery shrouding Juliet nearly becoming too obvious to the curious eyes of Paul.

Tears spilled from his eyes without abandon out of fear- he wasn't ready to let her go in the 9 months that they had left together, much less now. He still had so much love left to imbue, so many words left to speak, so many songs to sing to her.

Paul pulled a hysterical George away from Juliet with a tight hold, allowing the first responders to get ahold of her to get a basic reading of her breathing and heart rate. Nothing as fancy as what first responders could get back in her time within seconds.

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