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"GOOD MORNING to my favourite lovebirds." Ringo announced, as traipsed into the kitchen, where Juliet and George sat peacefully, enjoying a cuppa.

Blushing bashfully, George dipped his head and Juliet gave him a gentle shove. They'd never admit it, but they enjoyed the prospect of being this fictitious couple.

"Morning, Ringsy. Sleep well?" Juliet asked with a chipper smile which Ringo returned with equal brightness.

"Would've slept better if not for you chittering away all night long." Ringo said teasingly, enjoying as he got a rise out of his bandmate.

"Aren't you supposed to sleep like the dead, Ringo?" George snorted and Ringo stuck out his tongue to annoy George.

"When I actually do sleep." Ringo muttered under his breath, pouring water from the kettle into his cup with a tea bag.

"So George, thoughts on the big move to London?" Ringo asked and Juliet began to choke on her tea, coughing as she swallowed the scalding liquid.

George came to her aid in a worry, patting her back vigorously as she came to.

"Aye Georgie! Ya didn't tell the girl we were moving, yeah?" Ringo asked in shock as Juliet shot a look of desperation at George. Say something.

"I was going to surprise her! She stays in London with her sister and I was going ask her to move in with me! Since our new flat that Brian's fetching for us is fab!" George covered for Juliet's sudden shock, and she coughed as she tried to speak.

"Sounds rad." She hoarsely said and Ringo laughed, his crystalline blue eyes shining in the morning sun.

Rarely was Liverpool ever thawed out by the warmth of the sun, but it seemed that ever since Juliet appeared in George's life, the sky didn't dare to rain a single drop.

John waltzed in just in that very moment, his hair wild and unkept, and his buddy holly style specs on the bridge of his nose.

Not saying a word, he walked into the cramped kitchen and made himself a cuppa, while admiring the beauty that was named Juliet, sitting before him.

Although she was still in her pajamas, she still glowed with a youthful exuberance. With her slight of tongue she murmured a joke to George that sent him into stitches and he muttered something back that had caused a fit of giggles to erupt from her gorgeously shaped mouth.

John watched the couple in a white hot screen of jealously, thinking of his own relationship between him and Cyn.

It wasn't much of one, he'd enjoyed her company thoroughly during high school and parts of his tenure in college, but that flame had been burnt out ever since the Beatles were just on the cusp of fame.

Looking up to see John's almond shaped eyes peering at her, Juliet uttered a cheerful greeting to the band leader.

"Good morning, John!"

John couldn't help but return the greeting with matched joyfulness. He couldn't help it, she had that effect on people.

"And morning to you, Jules! Fancy coming down to the recording studio with the band on this fine day?" He asked, gesturing with his hands and hardly keeping a keen smile off his face.

Juliet turned her head to face George with contemplation and he pouted his bottom lip with a pleading puppy dog look. As if I could ever resist George freaking Harrison.

She turned her head and nodded with great excitement.

"Oh yes! I'm thrilled to hear you all jam out! Georgie here raved on last night about your big break with Brian." Juliet said to John, and he unexpectedly clapped his hands and did a small jig.

"That all you tell your bird, George?" John poked, and George shot John a warning glance, advising him to proceed with caution.

Recognizing that George was feeling affronted by the audacious Lennon, Juliet placed a hand on George's upper arm.

"I tell her plenty, Lennon. Now bugger off, and wake Paul up! He's gonna make us all lag about." George said to the cheeky leader and John mimicked him with little facial expressions.

To this, Juliet could not hold in her giggles and John took immense pride in causing his fancy to laugh.

"Alright alright! George Harrison, the scouse of nobility!" John said dramatically, exiting the tiny kitchen with a fist pump of success.

George and Ringo gave Juliet incredulous looks, and George raised his brow at Juliet's giggling.

"Wot?" She said after calming down, her eyes flickering up lazily to meet George's. He forgot what he was even remotely irritated about and got lost in her irises, until Ringo interrupted.

"Alright, Romeo and Juliet, get on with breakkie. We've got a long haul."

After dressing in an outfit that would impress Juliet's nan, she walked out of the shared loo upstairs and bumped into George on the way to pick up her purse.

Initially, he couldn't speak a word. Too in shock to utter a word about her radiant appearance. She could've had him fooled, she damn well looked like a normal bird in their realm.

But George reminded himself that she wasn't going to be here for long- only until she could find that damned ring of hers and send herself back to where she came from.

"You look-" George began in a sheepish voice, Juliet cutting him off with a retort.

"Like me nan?"

"No, right beautiful."

At this they both blushed, Juliet straightening out the front of her baby blue shift dress, that had just begun to come into style in the U.K.

Underneath she wore thick white stockings and flats, and tied her hair back in an intricate French braid bun that her mother used to do for her as a child. Her mother.

She hadn't thought much about her mother, much less of her family since she'd been in the care of the Beatles. Granted, she wasn't that close to her parents anymore because of the severance of her engagement, but it didn't stop her from missing them.

"Thank you, George. You look proper done up yourself. All dapper in that suit and tie." She said with a put on smile, straightening out his tie. Much to George's bashfulness, his face grew impossibly hot at her cold fingers brushing the exposed flesh of his neck, and the contact beneath his thin white shirt caused goosebumps to rise on his skin.

With a final smile, Juliet leaned into George courageously and took an inconspicuous sniff of his strong cologne.


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