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"THIS IS Ritchie and I's place nowadays, JuJu. How'd ya fancy it?" George whispered into Juliet's right ear as he held her from behind. They stood in front of George's new flat, Waddon House in Knightsbridge.

Juliet clapped her hands together in excitement; the rise to Beatlemania was bound to happen soon enough now that the boys were making the move closer to EMI studios. She was relieved that hadn't changed.

"It's lovely! Oh how fab of you and Ringo to share a flat, yeah? You two will be 'avin a hooley every night!" Juliet chirped, taking in the beautiful building in the small curtain of sunlight that'd poked through the late December cloud cover.

It was a few days away from 1963; and a few days away from when Juliet's deadline would finally be real and reckoned with. George and the time traveling bird had spent their Christmas evening and the day after, holed up in her room with a bottle of wine and John's book safely tucked away in under Juliet's mattress.

She surely hadn't forgotten her Christmas Eve with John. Much less their conversation. And their ... bedtime moment.

"Yea, with you bein' my main source of entertainment." George commented, and Juliet bit her lip in apprehension. She wasn't quite ready yet to let go of her flat, as a security measure. And she simply must keep her job at the cafe, she wasn't going to depend on George for everything

"I'll visit often, I promise." Juliet added quietly, suddenly feeling George's hands cease their loving squeezing of her body.

"Visit? Thought ye were gonna move in with me dove?"

Juliet sighed as she turned to face the questioning face of her guitarist boyfriend, and gnawed on her lip nervously as she told him what she was planning.

"Well, I was bettin' on keeping my job, so I could yknow, support myself?" Juliet said meekly as George's eyes softened slightly, but he was still just as confused at Juliet's independent agency.

"But I could support you, ye know tha' dove? Now that we've got Brian and shit he's been yknow, getting us better gigs and we're actually scrappin' some mint." George explained and Juliet scrunched up her nose in that adorable, cutsie way that drove him wild.

"Remember that your dove is a woman of the 21st century, who also by the way pays for rent and the electric on her own. Just let me take care of my own expenses for now, yeah? I really jus' wanta feel normal yknow?"

George harrumphed around a bit with his hands now shoved into the pockets of his coat. Juliet had to take a reasonable breath to realize that she was indeed asking a lot for him to swallow at once; women back in the early 60's weren't nearly as autonomous as Juliet is in her time.

The menfolk provided for their little women, and in turn they mixed them martinis for their evening supper. Juliet wasn't going to play the role of the tidy housewife while George went out and about, she was going to earn her keep. This was, however a new concept for George but he seemed to be taking it oddly.

As compared to when she told him she was from the future, he was taking the prospect of her maintaining her job and apartment rather poorly.

"Well, ok. Jus', uh, when ye get tired of it all, ye know tha' I'm more than happy to bring you into Ringo and I's fold here at Knightsbridge." George said after a few moments of unplanned silence, bringing Juliet back into his arms with a tender kiss to her forehead.

Not being able to stifle her beaming grin at her victory, Juliet giggled into George's chest and danced a small version of an Irish jig. Juliet truly enjoyed her little cafe job, as it had given her something to do whilst in between searching for the ring and adjusting to 1960's life.

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