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THE BUS came and went, collecting me as it had passed through the Wimbledon Ave stop. John's voice still poignant and fresh in my mind- Whatever is is love, we can help you.

I wish that was even plausible. But to my own fear, it wasn't. I'd gotten myself done in by a malevolent God of Time and I was utterly fresh out of ideas on how to outwit him.

It seemed like outwitting him may as well be impossible for me to accomplish. Kronos was always one step ahead; a lion preparing for a feast.

"We've resorted to running away now, hm?" The chillingly familiar voice chuckled from beside me, the tell-tale red pinstripes of his suit giving his identity away immediately.

I jutted my chin out and tried to swallow down my own rising tide of fear at the proximity of the ruthless deity, unsure if he was catching onto my act.

"You certainly encouraged it. It was only a matter of time fate intervened between George and I, Kronos. You were right. We weren't meant to be." I spoke, trying to kiss as much of his arse as possible. The growing tide of many anxiety threatened to waver my fear, bit if I were to be convincing, I have to stow away the fear.

Kronos' deceptively beautiful face contorted into a mocking grin as he tipped the rim of his bowler hat down.

"What made you change your mind, little one? Certainly you cannot be telling a lie- I hear your heart beating. It is too good to be true you have left your precious George Harrison. Without even saying goodbye." Kronos taunted me, motioning the pathetically small parcels I carried with me on my journey to who knows where in England.

Kronos' interests have definitely been piqued- his shoulders were turned towards me and his arms were almost splayed open. The bastard was amused at my misery. If only I could crack a solid one onto that foul kisser of his, my life would be complete and I would wholeheartedly accept the consequences.

"A clean break is much easier for him to manage. After all, he must be on his way to meeting Pattie, writing songs of love, reaching international stardom. What have you. There is no room for me in that situation now is there?" I spoke expertly, not even feeling a murmur of my own emotions peeking through. I was steely, riveted into my own protective fantasy.

Kronos' face still remained amused, I was keeping the sadistic bloke entertained until he decided the clock was up for me. He pressed on for more of the grotty details of my escape.

"John tried to stop me, but I wouldn't fall for his ruse. I managed to leave without a single trace." Kronos' dark and angled brows rose at this and gave me a silent round of applause.

If possible, my own hatred for him skyrocketed. How could he be proud of the most shameful act I've ever committed?

"Well done, Bishop. I may grant you leniency. I may owe you a dabble of mercy. You have proven yourself to be formidable at breaking the hearts of not one, but two Beatles." The God of time sneered before me and I could no longer hide my anger, and I rolled my eyes with a puff of my chest.

"Now if you don't mind, Kronos, I have a ring to find."

Kronos feigned hurt at the snap of my comment and laughed it off, much to my relief. I was treading on considerably thin ice with the outward display of my attitude and carelessness in front of the all-unforgiving Kronos.

I had better bite my tongue.

"You're not wrong, doomed little sweet Juliet. Why don't you head back to Westminster? Bristol? London? Any large wholloping city will do. And whatever you do, do not make any contact with the boys. You know what the consequences shall be if you do." Kronos threatened, and I nodded quickly in compliance.

"Goodie! Now I'll leave you to it. Try retracing your steps..." Kronos muttered with a snap of his fingers, leaving me alone, finally, on the bus. 

I could breathe, allow myself to settle back into the semi-comfortable seat I was sitting in and just take a beat. I certainly wasn't going to allow myself to think about what I'd just done to George.

I patted the pocket of my coat where I'd stuffed my note and it was empty- and my heart soared. Oh bullocks! It fell out! I had now began to fall into a manic panic, if it wasn't in my pocket, it was lying on the floor of George's bedroom.

If John wasn't going to gob and tell him I'd gone off and fled the nest, that note was going to damn me to hell.

Of course, I was already damned. Kronos most definitely made sure of that. I'm sure my warrant was all but signed, sealed and delivered. The sadistic god of time was just itching for my clock to run up so that he could personally reap my soul.

I loved George too much to seal his fate like mine was- he was safer without me. I was all but a fleeting moment in his life, and he'd soon come to reckon the same too. George Harrison would live the life he was always meant to live- without me present.

I'll go back to my own time and try to forget about what was shared between us- that spellbinding bond that not even I could put into words of its sanctity. But that's all it was- a bond.

I loved him, but who's to say he loved me back?   It was a pipe dream. A schoolgirl fantasy. He was George Harrison. Soon to be international rockstar. Best self taught guitarist of all time.

We were out of each other's league.

But it didn't stop me from loving him any less.

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