13- Drunk

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The second shot had the same effect. Burning and gagging. The bitter watermelon taste lingered on my tongue as a cold sensation brewed in my stomach.
Niall smiled sloppily at me. "I'm gonna go and talk to some people, leave the bottle in my cupboard so no one else drinks it and we can get back to it later." He tilted his head towards the bottle of vodka. I nodded and put the bottle in the cabinet next to where we were sitting.
I already feel slightly altered by the alcohol. Not drunk, obviously. But my eyesight takes longer to adjust to new surroundings than it usually would. But I'm still fine.

Niall sauntered away into a crowd of people and began cheering with them. I was left standing alone, I don't quite know what to do now. Maybe this is a good opportunity to find Evie. Yeah, that's a good plan.

I began weaving in and out of the crowd before I finally came to where Evie was standing. Thankfully, she was standing next to Briah. Briah is one of the ones I don't mind.

"Evie can I talk to you?" I asked, quietly. Evie looked hesitantly at Briah and then back at me.
"Um okay?" She smiled uneasily. I bet she would have said no if she was with Sophie or one of the others. Briah graciously walked away from us and into the crowd.

"Have I done something wrong?" I said quietly. Edging closer to Evie.
" Er no, why?" She replied, looking rigid and awkward. This is not the same girl she was a few weeks ago.
"are you sure? You've been really funny with me.." I encouraged some kind of response.
"Look Skye, you don't get along with my friends. So what am I suppose to do?" She traced her fingertips around the rim of her red cup and looked at me boredly.
I can't believe she has just said that, she's not been friends with these girls long and she's already choosing them over me.
"Oh." I pushed painfully out of my lungs. "we were friends first though."
She shrugged, and looked at the floor.
"Just don't talk to me in public, okay?" She said quietly, and walked away. Brilliant.

I would have preferred it if she had just accused me of something I didn't do and slapped me in the face. But this, this hurts so much more. She's personally insulting me and basically admitting she's embarrassed to be seen with me in public. I knew I wasn't that popular but for someone to be embarrassed of me just makes me want to curl up and cry. Weak I know, but it just really hurts.

I walked to the beats of the music up to the table of red cups. They were filled with a yellowish liquid. I hesitated before gently lifting one of the cups and bringing it to my nose. I sniffed it suspiciously, it smelled like pineapple.
"it's Malibu." Briah smiled. She made me jump and I almost dropped the cup but made a quick recovery.
"Oh" I giggled politely and brought the cup to my lips and took a sip.
The flavour was like cocoanut and pineapple, but the bitter vodka burned as I swallowed. I kept in my grimace and turned back to Briah.
"It's good!" I grinned, taking another sip.
"Yeah, I love it!" She downed the rest of her cup, and through the empty one back onto the table.
I did the same, finishing off my cup and placing it down on the table.
"so what happened with you and Evie then?" She asked, leaning into me and handing me another cup of Malibu.
"I don't know really, we were really close and now it just seems like she's embarrassed of me." I said honestly, obviously the alcohol was a factor but I did feel comfortable with Briah as well.
She swigged her cup and looked at me unsurely.
"You think? Maybe you just drifted apart?" She questioned, somehow I know that's not the case.
"no because there was no drifting, one minute we were best friends and the next she wants nothing to do with me." I took a big sip of my drink.
" Oh, well don't worry about her! Drink the rest of that and then let's dance!" She cheered. I like Briah, she seems sweet. I should have tried talking to her before. I can't help but wonder how she puts up with the others.

I downed the rest of my drink, it burned a little bit. I then followed Briah into the crowd.
At first I just rocked awkwardly from foot to foot but time soon escaped me and the alcohol caught up with me and before I knew I was dancing recklessly with Briah, looking like idiots but for the first time in a long time I was enjoying myself, having fun.

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