7- Changes

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For the rest of the day and the following evening, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. I don't know what's come over me.
No matter how much he's done to me in the past, I still find myself wanting to know more about him. Maybe there is more to him then what meets the eye?

I know if I judged him by some of his actions it would be simple to say that he's only got one level. But there's something mezmerizing in his eyes.. and something about the way he is that makes me...like him? no, I Still hate him just... arghh.

The next few days I didn't have history, I have it three times a week as I take it as a major but I only have 2 days left of this week before the weekend.. and I have history on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So that's history done for this week. Part of me even feels a bit disappointed when I woke up because I knew I would not see harry... is that bad?

Thursday and Friday daytime flew past quickly. But Thursday night felt like an enternity. like I was trying to find the answer to a question I haven't asked myself yet.

It's Friday evening now and my mind is still a mess. I decide to take a walk on my own.. maybe it will clear my head.

I decide not to change out of my leggings, baggy grey jumper and vans. I rebrush my hair and keep it down. I slip on my black beanie and grab my phone and head out.

The fresh Californian air hit my cheeks, instantly refreshing me. I took a deep breath and walked quietly down the street. Plugging in a pair of headphones and listening to some Ed Sheeran. I don't admit how much I appriciate the meaning of his music. I listened to 'this' and 'kiss me' the songs that always make my heart ache. They give me a strange feeling inside when I listen to them and I always dive too deep into thought when I hear them.

I usually don't listen to Ed Sheeran. I'm more into pop music, like disclosure, Rizzle Kicks, Rihanna. But I do have a soft spot for meaningful tracks by artists like Ed Sheeran, The Fray I love aswel.

Fog lingued in the air as I walked towards a bench near the park, I decided to sit down for a bit and take in my surroundings.

Suddenly a figure came into view... they were dressed all in black, skinny drain pipe jeans like Harry's, a black T-shirt and a black beanie. They're arms were covered in tattoos. I would not see their face as their head was titled down. But their structure reminded me of Harry a lot.

They drew closer to me and I'm pretty certain it actually is Harry. Curly brown hair stuck out of his beanie at the front.
One thing I couldn't get my head around was the tattoos. But come to think of it... Harry always wears jumpers or coats to college.. it's all making sense now.

"Skye?" His gruff voice filled the air. He looked down at me and our eyes immediately met. I hadn't realised how close he was getting to me as he approached.

"y-yeah, hi." I replied. Not really sure what to say as the last time I spoke to him he seemed pretty pissed. The way he had just stormed out of History after...I told him to fuck off.
We had actually got on quite well that lesson, in a weird banterous way. But we did.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking at my outfit and makeupless face.

I swear it that every time I see him I get less angry with him...

"nowhere?" I giggled, stating the obvious seems as I was sitting down. "What about you?"

He hesitated before licking his lips and adjusting his beanie.
"same" he shrugged.
To my pure surprise and confusion, he took the seat next to me on the bench. Avoiding eye contact. I sat in shock... why is he sitting with me? After everything? He hates me and I hate him..I think?

"aren't you cold?" I broke the silence, and gestures to his exposed arms.
"nah" he replied bluntly. "I don't get cold."
The last comment softened his initial answer.
interested, I continued..
"I never knew you had tattoos?" I questioned him. To both our surprises my fingertips were suddenly in contact with his arm. Tracing over a pirate ship inked into his bicep.
He looked down at my hand and smiled, embarrassed I flinched away and looked down.
I'm positive I heard him chuckle quietly to himself before clearing his throat.

"yeah, I um had them done a while ago. My friends brother knows a guy." He smirked.
His story remind it of mine, the belly piercing in the basement of my friends sisters house.
I contenplated on telling him my story but decided against it. I like how things are going right now and I don't want to say something wrong or make it awkward.

"oh." I answered when I realised I hadn't replied.

"so like, have you got a time you have to be home?" he asked, I lifted my head and looked into his green eyes.
"no, have you?" I replied.
"nah I might just chill here if that's what your doing." he said blankly. why does he want to spend time with me? im so confused right now...

"wait here I just need to make a phone call." he said before standing up and walking a few metres away from the bench.

whatever he's saying on the phone he obviously doesn't want me to hear. I don't think too much into it as he is back in a few seconds.

Me and Harry grew deep into conversation and I found myself laughing loudly, him too. This is such a foreign feeling (laughing with harry)
I misjudged him. Maybe he's not actually as bad as I thought he was?

We talked and laughed for about an hour. I felt myself and I felt happy. My mind was so unarranged right now I will have to sort it out later.

suddenly Harry's expression dropped and he stared at something behind me. I turned my head to see what he was looking at.
The group of girls I sit with and some of
the boys like Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and some others I don't know the names of. My mind fuzzed out and I just sat and watched them all approach.

"harry" Sophie said as she approached. I suddenly remembered that her and harry 'hooked up' before. I felt weirdly jealous.

"um hi" harry looked down and stood up. I stayed seated... this is so awkward.

The whole group stared at me and then back at Harry.

"This is why your not coming to the party?" Sophie said snidely, she looked at me as if I was some kind of tramp and rolled her eyes.

what? harry didn't go to a party, just to be with me? woah... wow..

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