Chapter 4

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Her nails are already bitten off the chip with nervousness and she doesn't even know why. Dara placed her palms flat on the table so she wouldn't be tempted to chew her nails completely off and tried to rationalize this sudden vexing situation she had got herself into. Lee Donghae would be a professional, right? And he wouldn't suddenly blurt out something like Oh! Oh you're the girl from the Dating Site. She can just imagine the look on her boss' face and anyone else who would be in the meeting.

She's a very respectable figure in this company. Venerated on. Mr. Yang always consults her opinions before he makes a decision. In fact, Mr. Yang always do her suggestions and then in just a snap of a second, he would learn that his respectable, trusted right-hand joined a dating site?

She had been up all night being bothered by this and she even contemplated to send Donghae a.k.a. Eunhyuk from the site to tell his boss not to mention anything. The only thing that stopped her was the thought that her worries are too shallow. The main concern for all parties is a contract and she would suddenly be Don't mention the dating site.

Now she's being paranoid. She can't even focus on her lunch and decided to just shut herself inside her office while trying to focus.

And she ended up biting her nails while looking at the clock counting every minute until it's two. Damn, she doesn't even know why she's getting all nervous of being found out.There's nothing wrong with what she did. She didn't offend anybody! She didn't commit rape or try to pick up someone—Ah shoot. Isn't that what she did? Trying to pick up someone through the internet?

She let out a silent whimper as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Her reputation will be shattered once someone found out. Sure, they knew about Bom but Bom had always dated around it actually surprised them more to hear her announcing that she's getting married.

Maybe she should ask Bom what to do. But she could just imagine the taunts her friends and her friends' friends are going to give her because Bom had the biggest mouth.

After thorough mind numbing musings, she decided the best solution.


Deny. Deny. Deny.

Lie. Lie. Lie.

Me? You must be mistaken. My twin sister is having fun impersonating me everywhere but you don't have to worry about meeting her because she's already in a mental institution. She's not right in the head, you see.

Perfect. She nodded to herself.

A knock on her door made her jump a little and her secretary peered in. "Ma'am, Mr. Lee Donghae is already at the main con?"

"Right," Dara said. "What about sir Yang?"

"He's already on his way. He already rode the elevator."

"Oh shoot." She quickly stood up taking all her files, pen and paper for notes. It's only 1:35 but better early. She would still have time to compose herself before the meeting. "Thanks. Make sure coffee is around at the main con."

"Yes ma'am."

She practically ran to the elevator and immediately rode the first available lift. Main Con is on the 5th floor. She ran her fingers through her hair that she let loose today and made sure her coat doesn't have any crease or visible lints. She have to look absolutely intimidating. Well professionally intimidating, that is. She checked her expression in the elevator's mirror to practice her no-nonsense face.

Walking with poise, she strode out of the elevator and walked over to the main con. She didn't even pause as she opened the door looking confident.

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