Chapter 26

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Dara already felt her headache even before she woke up and she groaned loudly, threading her fingers through her hair. She slowly opened her eyes, her brows furrowed at the throbbing pain in her temples. Ow. What happened? She lifted herself up in sitting position, eyes bleary as she looked around her room while massaging her head. I need a pain killer, she groaned to herself. She lifted the blanket off her and got off the bed then paused as she saw what she is wearing. It's not her pajamas....

She cocked her head in confusion before it came to her. She closed her eyes in consternation as she finally remembered that she was with Donghae last night meeting his family.

And she got drunk.

Oh god. She could remember bits and pieces but she's very definite that she made a fool of herself in front of Donghae's father while they were in the balcony having a drink. Her knees gave out as she plopped on her bed whimpering loudly and brushing her face with her hands. Oh god! Why?!! I'm so stupid! What does his father think of her now? It's bad enough that Donghae's mother doesn't like her because she's short, now his father would think she's a stubborn midget. She have to accept the fact that she really doesn't have any alcohol tolerance. She really did thought that maybe it was because those wines are just too strong. Turns out she just turned weak as she aged.

She grudgingly stood up after bearting herself for her idiocy and practically staggered out of her bedroom and down the stairs to go to the kitchen. She needs to get some coffee to calm her headache and then maybe she could figure out an excuse or something. Oh good, she could hear her mom talking in there. Probably reprimanding her brother about something again.

"Mom," she groaned. "I need some coff—" Dara froze as her bleary eyes turned wide when she saw Donghae sitting on the chair by their dining table, a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. He was neatly dressed with his polo shirt and looking very comfortable in his seat. He smiled when he saw her. "Good morning."

She blinked then grimaced at the pounding of her headache.

"You're finally awake," her mother said before pouring a coffee in a cup and placing it on the table. Dara massaged her head before striding over to the table and taking the seat Donghae had pulled for her.

"What're you doing here?" Dara asked Donghae as she reached for a creamer and sugar.

"He brought you home last night," her mother answered for him sounding a little stern probably thinking she was being rude for her question. "It is only right that I invite him for breakfast."

"Okaaay," Dara just said as she stirred her coffee.

"How are you feeling?" Donghae asked as he watched her.

"Ugh, I feel like shit," Dara answered.

"Words, Dara," her mom reprimanded her. "Try to be refined in your choice of words especially with a guest present."

Dara just scowled at the way her mom is speaking. Her headache is so bad she really doesn't care much about anything except making it go away.

"It's ok, Mrs. P," Donghae said which made Dara lifted an eyebrow at.

"Mrs. P?" She repeated as her mom turned her attention back to what she is cookng. Where did that come from?

Donghae smiled then leaned forward to tell her in a whisper. "That's much better than calling her Mother. She had been insisting it last night."

"Oh my god," Dara said in resignation as she closed her eyes. She vaguely heard Donghae softly chuckling beside her. She already embarassed herself last night with his family, now her mom is embarassing her.

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