Chapter 27

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The exciting news doesn't seem to be exciting anymore. A year. In the US.

A year without seeing Donghae. A year.

Of course she should've understood it right away.

"So what if it's a year?" Dara managed to say still wearing the smile she had earlier. "A year could go by without you noticing it. What are you hesitating for?"

Donghae sighed then put a hand under her chin to make her look at him but before Donghae could say anything, Dara shook her head then gave him a warm smile. "I know what you're worried about. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. We can work it out. You know, long distance relationships can work with the technology today. We can call each other, chat, video call... it's endless. Yes, I'm going to miss you but if the feeling became unbearable, then I'll just visit you in the US." Well, that could be possible. If she had a high paying job.

"It's already difficult for me for a week. How can I stand a year?" Donghae asked her as if she had the answer to that.

It was her time to boop his nose. "Then I would suggest you spending as much time as you possibly can with me until it's time for you to become the world's no. 1 Electronics Company." She raised herself on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "This is an opportunity you just cannot pass. And if you didn't take this, then I guess I don't have any choice but to dump you. I can't date someone who is not smart enough not to grab a chance of a lifetime with his career, you know."

He wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer before he exhaled loudly. "I'm already missing you," he said in a low whisper. He knew, the moment that EXO Group had proposed the partnership, that this is the chance he had been waiting all his life. There is just no way he's going to pass this up but his mouth had uttered different words which made Eunhyuk gape at him in complete total shock at the rejection that came out of his mouth.

I am very honored that you think LDH as a worthy partner for a big corporation such as EXO Group but as of right now, LDH is still working on re-establishing the company in Korea before we can decide on launching overseas.

Think about it first, Mr. Lee. We are really looking forward to work with LDH. We'll give you a week to decide. It was a pleasure meeting with you.

Eunhyuk had gave him hell after the meeting and Donghae is not able to respond to anything because he knew his friend was right. He had spent all of his time thinking about it and trying to decide what should be the right decision. He had no doubt Dara would urge him to say yes but the main enemy in this entire scenario is himself.

He just didn't want to be away from her for that long.

In a week, he had no idea that missing someone could be so close to be debilitating but for a year? How is that going to go for him?

Part of him wants Dara to tell him not to continue with it but a part of him knows that it is highly unlikely.

Dara looked at him with a smile. "If I was in your position, I would've said yes already." She played with the side of his hair. "I met you as a workaholic, oblivious, focused man who knows what he wants and I expect nothing less."

Donghae just watched her intently then sighed. "I'm left with no choice then. I'll be going home two-three times in a month so make sure you have your days cleared to spend with me."

Dara gaped at him. "Really? You're going home every month? Isn't that expensive?"

"I'm rich. I can afford to spend it on plane tickets."

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