Chapter 17

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After spending approximately three weeks in China for a successful partnership deal with an Audio Company, Donghae had flown back to Korea to go straight to LDH to finalize some of the contracts that had been sent to him for approval and are waiting on his desk for three weeks now.

Eunhyuk had called him about an account that went bankrupt so that is definitely not a good news. He would have to check with the accounting department and the corporate lawyer about the loss. And another account that is asking for an extended terms but are already close to being bought by another company and another fraud case....

So many problems in less than a month.

Donghae went to his desk as he listened to his secretary listing the appointments that was scheduled including a call from his mom and a Holdings Group CEO asking for a meeting with him.

He merely nodded and asked for coffee before sitting on his desk to start working. It's already in the afternoon and he hoped he could finish this by seven as he really needed to get some rest.

He looked up when his door opened and Eunhyuk walked in with another set of folders on his arms. "Don't worry," Eunhyuk immediately said when he saw Donghae's eyes glanced at the folders he's holding. "These are not for you. I just came in to check how you doing. You look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"Maybe because I didn't," Donghae said opening the first one. "What're you doing here chitchatting and wasting productivity?"

Eunhyuk made a face at him. "I just thought it's a good idea to see how you were and bring you another... bad news."

"Bring it on," Donghae just answered taking a pen from his drawer.

"Well, it's not really work related."

"Then you can tell me later," Donghae said dismissively.

"Well, I figured you should know now," Eunhyuk said. "You know how friendly I am with every department and I tend to hear stuff?"

Donghae sighed. "I never realize you would want to turn into an old gossiping lady."

"This is news is for you," Eunhyuk said with a scowl then just decided to get on with it. "Jang Woo Young is already planning to ask Dara to marry him."

Donghae froze then lifted his eyes to look Eunhyuk.

"I just heard it," Eunhyuk said with a shrug. "I think he's already planning it this week or something."

Donghae gaped at him for a minute before returning his attention back at the paper in front of him but he couldn't even continue reading the next paragraph that he was supposed to read. The last time he had seen Dara and spoken with her was that day when she had angrily told him to leave her alone. He had spent all day trying to figure out what it is that he had done to make her really upset and came up with the thought that it might be because he kissed her without her permission.

He wanted to apologize for kissing her but that was a lle. Because if given the chance, he would do it again but he's willing to apologize if she asked him to.

But the way she lit into him, he finally realized that she must've thought he disrespected her. She felt violated over what he had done. And that is probably what he needed to apologize for and she thought he must've been a total asshole for even asking if she wanted him to apologize. He just doesn't know how or if a call would make her even more angry at him or if she would throw knives at him if he suddenly show up on her doorstep.

He doesn't know how to deal with this... situation. He's completely clueless. And asking for some advise from Eunhyuk would definitely mean more self-harm than good.

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