Chapter 10

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"You insulted the COO of the company we are trying to get the contract on? Again?"

Donghae crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair that afternoon when he called Eunhyuk to come to his office. It has already been 4 days since that fateful night when he inadvertently offended the COO of 21 TV. Ever since they had gotten back, he had been trying to come up with ways to salvage the situation but coming up with none. He did consider sending flowers as an apology but he could just imagine it being thrown in the wastebasket. Besides, she would probably think he only ordered Eunhyuk to send it and think that he is completely insicere. He also considered an apology over coffee but he could also foresee that big rejection he would be receiving. Going over to her office to personally apologize? But it's her workplace. If it would be him, he would never condone anyone wasting his work hours for personal reasons even if's for an apology. Any personal issues should be settled outside of work or after work hours.

So now, he's stuck with getting advise from Eunhyuk.

Which would probably end up in disaster anyway.

"I did not insult her," Donghae denied but then pinched the bridge of his nose as he remembered the things he told her that night. "Hell, yes I did."

Eunhyuk just laughed out of disbelief and Donghae glowered at him. "I asked you here to help me figure this thing out. Not to laugh at me."

Eunhyuk sat down on the chair in front of his desk still chuckling. "Okay, I guess you would need my expertise in women." He crossed his arms over his chest. "What kind of insult did you hurl at her this time?"

"I told her to act her age," Donghae said then defended himself when Eunhyuk's mouth fell open. "She was acting childish."

Eunhyuk looked up at the ceiling as he chuckled again as he couldn't believe his friend. "Oh man," he muttered.

"She almost drowned by acting like a five year old. She could've died when she fell overboard!" Donghae hurriedly explained his brows furrowing at the memory. "None of her friends even told her off on that stint and it...." He paused for a second before continued. " probably made me lose my temper."

Eunhyuk just gave him a look which Donghae assumed is the look he only reserved for times when he couldn't believe what the hell Donghae is thinking. "So you just told her to start acting her age?"

"Yes." Pause. "After she thanked me for saving her."

Eunhyuk snorted loudly then shook his head. He could just imagine the look on Dara's face when the stoic expression of Donghae Lee told her to start acting her age. "Oh man." He shook his head. So... you were the one who dove into the water to save her from drowning... and... in what way is she acting childish again?"

"She stepped onto the rails and just... spread out her arms. Any fool would realize that the rails are slippery which would then make it as dangerous especially if she is not using anything as a handhold to support herself but she had never even thought about that," he explained.

"She might just be having fun," Eunhyuk said with a loud dramatic sigh. "In all of the years she probably spent working her ass off in 21 TV, it's probably the first time she had ever acted... childish." He watched Donghae as he let than sink into him. "She's as workaholic as you are and the taste of fresh air from the top of the yacht probably made her let go of reservations or the need to be... careful, you know?"

Donghae slowly durmmed his fingers on the table. "Guess I never thought about that," Donghae muttered as he remembered that the only thing he's mad about is her falling into the water and almost dying. He just thought it was her acting childish.

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