Chapter 29

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"The tale of your cakes are not exaggerated. This is really good."

Dara beamed widely at the man sitting in front of her as he tasted the cake he bought. "Thank you," she can only respond as she was still speechless over the sudden appearance of this stranger and asking to meet her. He had introduced himself as Choi Dong-wook, the owner of that newly opened mall in the city of Seoul.

Dara was beyond surprised when he suddenly appeared in her coffee shop earlier looking for her and when he introduced himself, she was even more stumped. She had been so busy in establishing her coffee shop business that she forgot the outside world existed and had no idea who's who in the society nowadays.

She studied Choi Dong-wook as he ate the cake Dara had suggested when he asked for recommendations. CEOs are getting younger and younger nowadays.

"So... um...," Dara started. "You... wanted to offer me a spot in Se7enth Heaven?" That was the name of his mall.

Dong-wook looked up at her with a smile. "Yes. Your shop is very popular with kids nowadays and it would be a lot easier for your shop to be more visible if it's inside a place where most people go to. Don't you want to expand?"

"Um... i haven't thought about that yet," Dara said slowly. "I mean, i just started my business not too long ago and...." Her voice trailed off. She had never thought her cakes would be a major hit. When she started out Haru And One Day a year ago, it was just a small store selling cakes but when CL pitched in the idea of coffee, that's when her business grew. It was a grueling process. Dara could remember how high her stress level at that time and almost gave up. Thankfully, her mom had been very supportive. Surprisingly, her brother as well. And of course, her best friends who had been helping out during their free time. Dara could say that Haru and One Day would not be possible without all of them.

And with the level of promotion that her friends and her brother is doing, her shop became popular. Especially with the college kids where a lot of them hang out here to unwind as her shop is just a few blocks away from the Univerisity. Her coffees and cakes were budget friendly and affordable which is probably the reason why Haru and One Day is their first choice.

Aside from her very delicious cakes, of course.

"All the more reason for you to think about how to grow your business, isn't it?" Choi Dong-wook said smiling.

Before Dara could answer, one of her staff, Jisoo, walked over to them. "Excuse me. Miss Dara, someone's looking for a manager to talk to?"

A feeling of dread seeped into her skin as she had an idea who was looking for a manager.

"It's... the granny," Jisoo said sounding sympathetic when she confirmed Dara's dread..

Dara paused before sighing in exasperation. Oh god. Dara had already seen the old woman by the counter a couple of minutes earlier and heard her ordering with her screechy voice.

"Everything alright?" Choi Dong-wook asked his forehead creasing.

Dara smiled assuringly. "Yes. Please excuse me for a minute." She stood up from the chair, making sure her polo shirt is tucked in right. She needs to look like the manager if she would need to talk to the granny otherwise, she would ask for the President.

She fixed her ponytail before making a beeline to face her most difficult customer as of yet. Dara already saw her sitting on her usual seat by the window with her greyed hair sticking out of her crocheted hat and a wool scarf wound on her neck eventhough summer is already starting. Dara pasted a smile on her face before approaching her.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I was told you are looking for a manager?" Again. She added silently.

The old woman gave her a quick once over like she hadn't seen Dara just the other day before she immediately went into a quick rant pointing at her coffee. "This is too bitter. Why is your coffee so bitter? I could name a thousand coffee shops who can give me better coffee. And why is there ice? Who drinks coffee with ice?"

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