Chapter 30

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"No, I ordered five sacks of Coffee Arabica and you gave me three sacks of Coffe Robusta." Dara put a hand on her hip as she tried to keep her patience in check while talking to the vendor where she had been ordering her coffee beans. By god, this isn't the first time they got her order wrong and she had considered finding another vendor but unfortunately, they are giving her a good price for the coffee beans. Given the fact that she just started her business, she couldn't afford a new vendor at the moment so she guessed she's stuck with them.

She scowled as she listened to the rep apologizing for the mistake and then telling her that they are currently out of stock for Coffee Arabica. She closed her eyes in dismay, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"We will give you notification once we receive our Coffee Arabica delivery," the rep advised her.

Dara heaved a loud sigh. Nothing she can do now. "Yes, please notify me. Thank you." She pressed the end button and scowled again at the sacks of the wrong coffee beans stacked in front of her.

She turned her head when there was a knock on the door and found Jisoo with a sympathetic look. "Ms. Dara, she's asking for the manager again."

"Oh my god." Dara rolled her eyes heavenward. Granny really picked this time to annoy her. "What is she doing here so early?" She checked her watch. "It's only 10. She usually comes in to complain at 3."

Jisoo shrugged and Dara let out a loud breath before leaving the stock room, tucking her phone inside the pocket of her pants. The granny is on her usual seat and Dara could see her tapping the table with her wrinkled hands.

"Yes?" she asked trying not to look like she is close to losing her patience with her. Seriously, where is her family?

"I don't like how they made my coffee," the granny said. "It's sweet."

Dara glanced at cup the granny had pushed away from her and smiled wryly. "It's hot chocolate. It is supposed to be sweet."

"Hot chocolate?" the granny asked sounding indignant. "Why did they give me hot chocolate? Now see this? Your staff is not listening to me."

She sighed loudly and motioned for Jisoo who immediately went over to the table. "Do you want to order the same drink as yesterday?" Dara asked the old woman.

"No," the old woman answered shaking her head. "I want hot chocolate."

Dara's mouth twitched. "Okay. Unsweetened hot chocolate it is." She nodded to Jisoo who took the cup and strode over to the counter to make another drink for the old woman again.

"Would there be anything else that we can do for you?" Dara asked the old woman and hoped that there wouldn't be any more.

The old woman gave a wave of her hand dismissing her as if she was a part of her staff and Dara let out another heavy exasperated breath out as she strode back to the stock room to inspect the ground beans but stopped short when she saw someone enter.

Choi Dong-wook smiled and gave her a little wave when he entered. "Good morning."

"Uh... good morning," Dara greeted back.

"I just dropped by to get some coffee," he said.

"Right," Dara said then her smile faltered when she remembered how this guy was catfished by her best friend. "Listen, um... I'm really sorry. My friend... uh... my friend told me everything." He gave her a puzzled look so Dara explained. "You know, the uh...." She lowered her voice as she leaned over. "The dating app?"

Realization dawned on his features and he gave a chuckle. "Oh that. Yeah. I already know. I mean... she already told me she wasn't you and that I should check you out here. I mean... not check you out but more like a... I should visit you... or something." He looked a little embarassed.

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