Chapter 25

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Despite her internal worries about meeting Donghae's family and the latter reassuring her that it was okay for her not to go to dinner with him, Dara found herself being led inside the spacious living room of the Lee's home with Donghae holding her hand as he greeted his father and introducing Dara.

His father patted him on the shoulder with a smile before his eyes went to Dara.

"Good evening, Chairman," Dara greeted masking her nervousness with a courteous smile.

"Good evening, Miss Park. Thank you for joining us for dinner." Then his forehead creased slightly as he studied her. "You look familiar."

"She's the COO of 21 TV," Donghae answered for her.

Was, Dara thought wanting to correct him but Donghae's father just kept on studying her then a look of recognition settled on his features. "You were that stunning young lady at the party. Donghae brought you before to meet us."

"Oh... ahaha." She let out an awkward laugh. That party. "Yeah... he did."

Donghae gave a nod and smiled. "Apparently, I was a total asshole then."

Dara's awkward smile faded and her head whipped at Donghae praying that he wouldn't actually go into a narration on why he was an asshole then. And why the heck did he bring that up? Of course she doesn't want his family knowing that she was actually found by Donghae—or Donghae's friend—from a dating site! That particular statement he said could open a lot of questions that can result into that eventuality.

"But he's not anymore." Dara tried to salvage the situation by hurriedly saying that and hoped that Donghae would get the message. Oh god, who am I kidding? Of course Mr. Clueless wouldn't get that. I'm dealing with Lee Donghae here, the eternal clueless guy.

But thankfully, Donghae's father got ahead even before Donghae could open his mouth. "Don't worry, Dara. It runs in the family." He chuckled at his own joke before ushering both of them in the vast dining room. It was like a party buffet with all the food on the table. Is this how they usually eat dinner? What do they do with the left overs? Becausse she's pretty damn sure there will be left overs.

But she just head Donghae sigh as he wryly told his father. "Really, dad? Are you making this like a celebratory dinner?"

"I have no idea what you mean," his father answered sounding like he knew exactly what Donghae meant.

Dara was lost though. What are they suddenly talking about? Donghae pulled a chair for her beside him and she sat down. His father then called for a maid to instruct them to bring Donghae's grandparents down and Dara rubbed her sweaty palms dry on her simple floral dress with cut-out shoulders. Donghae put a hand over hers with a chuckle. "Relax. It's just my dad, my grandmother and my grandfather."

"Is your mom going to be here?" That meeting is something she doesn't want to happen again anytime soon considering that his mom so explicitly told Donghae she doesn't like her because she's too short for her taste.

"No," Donghae answered. "She can't."

Oh. She forgot the circumstances of Donghae's mother being forbidden to come to Seoul. Or refrained to. That made her relax a bit but still. She is going to meet the Grandfather. The patriarch of the Lee Family. Okay, my nerves are at it again.

"Will you relax?" Donghae said linking his fingers through hers and putting it on is lap as he tried not to laugh. "They are probably really glad you are not a figment of my imagination. Or that you are a woman. You have dispelled all their fears and they are about to celebrate it." He turned to the numerous dishes on the table. "Do you honestly think our normal family dinner consists of more than 10 dishes made by a renowned chef?"

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