Chapter 21

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Dara refrained herself from cowering under the indomitable stare of Donghae's mother who seemed to be swallowing her whole as she came closer. Her eyes travelled from Dara's face, down to her shoes then back at her face as if assessing if she is even worthy to be in her son's presence. Dara swallowed hard as she tried to calm her nerves. Cool it down. You are a successful woman in a top TV Network company. Remember that.

Donghae's mother stopped in front of them, her stare seemed to be drilling a hole in Dara's face.

"Mom, this is Sandara Park," Donghae introduced them. "She's the Chief Financial Officer of 21 Tv."

His mom didn't change her expression, still looking unimpressed.

"Good evening," Dara greeted courteously.

"Is she the girl you're dating?" His mom asked, her eyes still not leaving Dara.

"Yes," Donghae answered just as straight before Dara could supply any comment. What? Donghae already told his mom he's dating? Donghae should've warned her about this but consideriing the very little time they were able to talk and how she just suddenly appear here, she couldn't exactly blame Donghae for not planning this... announcement to his mother. So she just stood there like an idiot looking like she got bitten by a snake.

Donghae's mother gave her another once-over. "She's short."

That comment made Dara's mouth fall open as she did not expect that.

"Yes, she is." And Donghae's answer made her whip a glare in his direction.

"Couldn't you have dated a taller woman?" his mother asked.

An incredulous sound came out of Dara's mouth. Wow. Her impression of Donghae's mother is changing swiftly. To the worst side.

"No, I wouldn't want to," Donghae answered.

This time, that deprecating look his mother gave her again didn't intimidate her this time. Boy, her blood is brewing over how she is treating Dara as if she's nothing. She may be nothing in terms of their family's stature in the society but she is successful in her own way. She graduated with a degree and was able to climb to the top management of the country's biggest TV Network. Dara smiled, a slight stretch of her lips that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I mean no disrespect ma'am but your family isn't exactly gifted with a toweing height either. Your son isn't even above average."

Now it was Donghae's turn to whip his head to look at her, not expecting Dara to fire a rebuttal but Dara just lifted her chin. She's not going to take this belittling. No pun intended.

But his mom didn't bat at eye over her response. "Exactly," she said. "I would want a tall gene mixing into my family."

Mixing into... Is Donghae's mother serious? She's already gotten that far by merely dating?

"Mother," Donghae said sounding really exasperated.

"I have a tall gene." Dara said sounding like she's boasting about it discarding the thought that she's acting chilidish. "My brother is 181 centimeters,".

Donghae exhaled loudly but the two women just ignored him.

"Well your brother isn't the one who's going to have sexual intercourse with my son now, would he?"

Dara's mouth literally fell open this time at the casual way she had mentioned it. Donghae was right when he told her about his mom being more blunt than he is.

"Alright, that's it," Donghae interrupted. "Mom, I would like to have a moment alone with Dara, please."

"Why?" She sounds condescending.

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