Chapter 23

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Dara tossed sleepily on the bed, her hand instinctively reaching out for Donghae's warmth but her hands fell on empty space. She opened her eyes and saw that Donghae was not beside her. She blinked sleepily as she slowly sat up.

And saw Donghae sitting on the chair by the window still wearing her brother's clothes, his arms resting on his thighs, phone in his hand, his eyes on her.

She adjusted herself on the bed and studied him in silence. Neither of them is speaking and Dara could not read his expression right now.

"Hi." Her voice sounded raspy from sleep.

"Hi," he greeted back quietly.

"How are you feeling?" she asked reluctantly.

Donghae nodded, his lips stretching into a small smile but he didn't answer her. "Thank you for staying with me." Then he stood up and went to the side of the bed where she's sitting up. "You should go back to Seoul now."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Dara asked. He was right that she should go back to Seoul now. She's going to return with a lot of work piled up on her desk if she delay it but she doesn't want to leave Donghae.

"Yes." He gave her a smile before leaning down and kissing the top of her head. "I'll be okay. I'll take care of this issue and return to Seoul once everything is settled."

Dara gave him a half- smile still noting that tired look on his face. "Okay," she just said then tried to make him laugh. "You can have my brother's clothes. You look so good on them than it did my brother anyway."

She was glad that he was able to chuckle after looking down at the clothes he was wearing. "I hope your brother knows you're giving away his stuff."

Dara went to her knees so she would be eye level with Donghae and wrapped her arms around his neck. After her realization last night that she is actually inlove with Donghae, this feels so natural to her now. "What he doesn't know won't kill him," she whispered as her nose bumped into his. Donghae wrapped his arms around her waist in return and then burrowed his head on her shoulders. They were like that for a couple of minutes before Donghae loosened his hold and let go.

"A driver is waiting for me at the lobby," he said. "I'll see you in Seoul."

She nodded. "Okay." She watched as Donghae left the room without looking back at her as he closed the door behind him leaving her in silence inside the room. She sighed loudly as she sat down on the bed with a pout. She's really worried about Donghae. This is... the saddest she had ever seen him. You have never seen him sad before for comparison, what the hell?

She sighed again scratching her head as she got out of bed. She looked at her phone and saw that it was close to 6 in the morning. She guessed she would have to leave now too so she could get to her office early.

Then paused. How should she report this to CEO Yang?

It was later in the afternoon that CEO Yang had called her to his office, After going home to only take a shower and change her clothes, she went straight to 21 TV and had expected for CEO Yang to go to his office as soon as he was informed of her presence inside the building. He must've been so busy that he had forgot what he had asked her to do and only remembered. She wondered what keeps the chairman distracted. She might need more of that because she honestly doesn't know what kind of report she would be able to do as she had all but thrown the COO Sandara Park out the window the minute she walked in that burnt building and seeing Donghae looking so lost at the back of the ambulance.

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