Chapter 14

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After spending so much time doing nothing inside her office with just the thoughts of Donghae on a date with his ex, Dara finally decided it's time to get over this stupid feelings she's starting to have. And what could be a better way than actually telling him that she likes him? With his rejection, it would definitely bring her back to being normal.

She knew he would reject her. And that's fine.

This is exactly what she did with that guy in high school--she already forgot his name. The only way to gain space and momentum is the sound of rejection. This is the only thing she needs right now so she could separate her professional feelings to her personal ones.

But she didn't realize she would be this nervous. So much that she is starting to doubt if this is a good idea. She almost back up and pretend to only discuss about work but seeing him, standing right in front of her, looking at her... she knew this is the only way.

Because she realized how much she wanted him to say yes.

"I know i've probably shocked you," Dara continued her eyes looking down. "And i didn't... i didn't mean to... to blurt it out like this but... i just... i just wanted to know if... there would be a chance." She let out a small laugh. "I feel crazy... to be honest. I... have no idea what i'm doing, i just... i just really feel so... bothered when i see you with... with another girl and i realized that... that i really like you. That.. everytime i see you... everytime i'm with you... i really want... i really want--"

"Please stop."

The words died in her throat and she lifted her eyes to look at Donghae who looked much more indifferent than he could ever be.

"If this is not a joke, then I would pretend i didn't hear all that, Miss Park," Donghae said. "You should go home now, it's already late."

He gave her a nod before turning to leave and Dara's brows furrowed at how easily he dismissed her. It wasn't just a rejection. It was a dismissal. She had gathered up her courage to tell him what she feels and he's just going to leave after saying he will pretend she didn't just told him she likes him?!

"Ya! Lee Donghae!" She angrily called out and he stopped. She marched over to him and stood in front of him, her face set, her eyes glaring. "Is that all you can say? You would pretend i didn't say all that? You couldn't respond with... with an appropriate rejection? How about just telling me, No, i'm sorry. I can live with that. But you saying that you will pretend you didn't hear.... You're making me feel like what i feel is so insignificant."

Donghae's eyes watched her for a moment, silence deafening between them before he spoke, "No, i'm sorry."

Her jaw ticked. That's it. The rejection she was expecting. The rejection she was asking for. It's done.

But she didn't know it's going to hurt. It pinched her chest as she stared into his eyes knowing that he wasn't just rejecting her. It was a rejection that is brought by indifference. He only said that because she told him to say that. He really did felt nothing to her. Not even a pint. She was just... she was just nothing to him. Not even a friend like what he was saying.

"I never meant for you to feel that way for me," Donghae continued in his flat tone.

"You never meant for me to feel that way?" Dara retorted her eyes tearing up for some reason as she remembered all those times that Donghae had been so nice to her especially that night when she didn't get the promotion. "You're always around... being nice and... asking to eat together... how do you think i would feel?" She is feeling so pathetic now.

"I only meant to be friends," Donghae said. "I thought it would be a good way to start off in a good terms. I didn't know you would perceive it in another way."

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