Chapter 7

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She's drunk.

She knew she's drunk and she can't do anything about it.

Her head feels light and her sorrounding seems to be swirling around her. And for some reason, it's making her giggle.

She had never giggled since she she graduated high school.

No more liquors for her.

She heard a heavy sigh and she turned her head to find Donghae looking exasperated as he helped her get inside his car and she giggled again at the look on his face. Somewhere in her mind, she understood what's going on but it's funny because it's making her giggle more.

Her friends is still on their matchmaking scheme as CL and Bom—just wait until she get her hands on them—had left her and rode off while she is drinking the wine Hye Sun had brought with her from the US. She really have a high alcohol tolerance but damn, that wine—or whatever that is—Hye Sun had brought is nothing she had ever drank before. Just when she thought she's still sober, she was sitting there laughing like an idiot gone out of her mind. And by the time she realized she was already drunk, her two evil bestfriends left her in the mercy of Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun who passed the responsibility of safely taking her home on Lee Donghae's shoulders.

And Lee Donghae, who seemed to be courteous enough not to refuse the favor the married couple had asked of him, put an arm around her waist and shoulder and half-carried her to his car.

Once she is out of her happy universe, she will kill Bom and CL for subjecting her to yet another humiliation.

The ride was silent and Dara was able to snooze for a couple of minutes to let the fog clouding her brain cleared out. She can still feel herself drunk but at least she still have her common sense. Even if it's all over the place at the moment.

"Sorry," Dara finds herself saying with her eyes closed.

Donghae understood that even if her voice is a little slurred but not as slurred as earlier. He glanced at her before returning his attention on the road. "It's nothing. Are you sober now?"

"No," Dara answered then a burst of giggle came out of her. "Oh dammit. I don't know what the hell's funny but it's so funny."

Donghae sighed again as he turned to the direction of where he remembered her house is.

"It's not my fault, you know," Dara said glaring at him. "You can stop sighing every chance you get just to let me know you don't like me."

Donghae just chose to ignore the musings of a woman in her drunken state and just continued driving.

"Why don't you like me?" Dara asked again which she receives no response on. She continued anyway, "Don't misunderstand. I really don't care if you don't like me. I just wanted to know what is it about me that you don't like? What is it about me that guys don't like? I don't want to die an old maid. Of course, it's no problem for you since you probably had a lot of women lining up for you but for me... I had to work to even get a decent date. And one time. One time that I decided to take a chance with a dating site, I ended up being humiliated." She hit him hard on the shoulder just because she felt like it.

"Ow," he only said his forehead creasing in surprise at the sudden show of violence.

"One time," She repeated with a scowl. "You couldn't even pretend to like me for that one time just to save my ego."

Donghae glanced at her again wondering if he should participate in this drunk conversation that Dara is making in the passenger seat. She had a ferocious frown on her face while her body is turned sideways facing him now as he drive.

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