Chapter 8

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Donned with a knitted coat and a flowery romper, Dara was all smiles as she stepped out of Hye Sun's car who had picked her up that afternoon for that cruise she had invited her to. Dara was close in giving an excuse earlier as she needs to do a lot of things if she wanted to have the Exec VP position but Hye Sun already shut her up even before she opened her mouth knowing exactly what is going to come out of it.

Now that she is breathing the fresh air from the Han River, she was glad Hye Sun had dragged her on this little get together. She can literally feel the stress flying away from her body.

The wind kept blowing on her face but she instantly spotted her friends waving cheerily at her from the upper deck by the rails of the yacht. She had only experienced travelling on a yacht once but it was a commercial yacht and it looked nothing like this even if it's a lot smaller. The lower deck had two parallel stairs on either side of the swim platforms, two white chaise lounge chairs were already prepared for them on it, and the top sides are in light blue color. She couldn't see what the main deck looks like but she was excited to take pictures of it. She waved back at Bom and CL in a wide grin and turned to Hye Sun as she stepped beside her. "How much did Jae Hyun spent on this? Where is he?"

"Mmmm..." Hye sun pursed her lips before answering. "He would probably arrive in a couple of minutes."

She didn't notice Hye Sun only answering her last question as she took her camera from her messenger back and took a picture. "This is so beautiful." She turned to Hye Sun with a grin. "I am glad you force me into this."

Hye Sun let out an awkward laugh as her eyes caught her husband and Donghae walking towards the dock. Jae Hyun was the one chattering, gesturing with his hands while Donghae just listened, nodding every now and then. Jae Hyun spotted them and waved back.

Dara turned her head to follow the direction of Hye Sun's gaze and smiled brightly when she saw Jae Hyun but it faltered when her eyes fell on the man walking beside her friend wearing a pair of white shorts and a white polo shirt. He was wearing his sunglasses so she's not sure if he saw her but she immediately figured out why Hye Sun was adamant in including her on this cruise. She turned her head to glare at Hye Sun. "You guys set me up!" How many times does she have to repeat herself that there won't be anything between her and Donghae Lee?

Hye Sun looked sheepish but not at all looked guilty. "Of course not," Hye Sun denied unconvincingly, not auite looking at her in the eye. "He owns the yacht. It's a given he would be with us."

Dara fought the urge to stomp her foot like a child. Does she really wanted to face Donghae after all the humiliation she brought upon herself? "I'm going home." She tried to walk past Hye Sun but she grabbed Dara.

"Dara," Hye Sun said beseechingly. "Are you that affected with Donghae's presence?"

"Of course not," she denied vehemently.

"Then why is it such a big deal for him to be here? He's our friend too, you know."

Dara scowled at that realizing her immaturity. Thank you for being so paranoid and delusional. She wanted to slap herself to get her sense of reasons in the right places. Of course Donghae Lee is their friend too. It's natural for them to invite him. Especially if he owns this yacht. "Why didn't you tell me Donghae Lee owns the yacht we are using for this cruise?"

"I didn't think it would be important to you," Hye Sun responded. "C'mon, Dara. We need to unwind. You need to unwind and I bet Donghae needs to unwind too. Can't we just enjoy this little trip?"

Dara studied Hye Sun's face trying to detect any possible deception on her face before sighing loudly when she saw none. "Fine," Dara said suddenly feeling guilty in thinking that everything her friends do is about her. When did she become so self centered?

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