Chapter 16

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Satruday came and Dara was pressured to finish her work early because her friends had preferred to wait for her rather than letting her just follow them at the resort after she had everything done on her desk. But of course, her friends had displayed their lack of trust in her, especially since they knew Woo Young is no longer available to come with them, and had opted to hang around at the coffee shop downstairs and texting her every hour.

"I promise to go after I finish my report, okay?" Dara had called Hye Sun with their last message of time check already striking her nerve. "I have a car. I can follow you guys there. There's no need to wait for me!"

"We don't believe that," Hye Sun answered. "And even If you don't have any intention of bailing on us, you would probably get there at the time when we're already packing to go home."

"And it's Saturday for chrissakes!" CL said in the background. Hye Sun must've put her on the speakerphone. "Even Chairman is off having a blast somewhere."

"I can finish this in an hour but you guys are pressuring me!!" She growled on the phone. "Me and pressure don't work well together!"

She heard them chuckle and Hye Sun added. "We'll wait until you're finished. Time check is... 10:45am. Our check-in time at the resort is 12. You've got still got a lot of time. Call us when you're done."

"Ugh!" Dara hang up and continued doing her report. Honestly, she was looking at finishing her tasks by at least 2 or 3 in the afteroon. She had procrastinated lately which had resulted in her going to the office on a Saturday. The truth is, she was actually too busy going on dates with Woo Young and she felt too lazy to do the report when she gets back so now here she is.

It's too bad that Woo Young can't go with them at this overnight and Dara scowled at the reason why. And who she is blaming at the moment.

Woo Young had been transferred from 2PM Galaxy to LDH Electronics. He had been ecstatic when he invited her for lunch and could barely keep from praising the company. He was saying he had tried to apply for a job at LDH after he graduated but was rejected. Probably because he doesn't have any experience yet. Working at LDH was his dream as he had some friends who was raving about the benefits and compensations and of course, with the title.

"I was given a business card," Woo Young had said showing her that magical business card. An acrylic black rectangular piece of card with his name written in fancy bold ink and the LDH logo. "I was even given my own office. Can you believe it? I don't know if Mr. Lee Donghae had anything to do with that but my team leader on 2PM Galaxy had recommended me when the manager of LDH was looking for a Circuit Engineer and... next thing I know, I was told I would be working under LDH Electronics. It's so cool. Even If Chairman Lee doesn't have anything to do with it, I still would really like to thank him for this opportunity."

Dara tried not to roll her eyes at the way Woo Young kept on mentioning Lee Donghae's name with utmost respect. Close to admiration, actually, and the only thing that is stopping her from telling Woo Young that Lee Donghae is a complete asshole is the delicious food they are eating.

But of course it turned sour at the next announcement that Woo Young had made.

"About the overnight... I don't think I can go. I have a lot of projects and my deadline is on Monday so... I think I have to stay to meet it. I don't... actually want to mess up on the first project they have given me. I'm really sorry."

Of course, there's nothing Dara could say except That's alright. Go on. Good luck and fighting! but felt disappointed. Woo Young is the only reason she actually agreed going with this overnight trip. In fact, the girls had only set this up because of Woo Young and Dara spending time together and she had been excited for that too. Unfortunately, all that was squelched when Woo Young was transferred to the company of that workaholic jerk who seemed to expect everyone around him to be as workaholic as he is. Hmp.

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