Chapter 18

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Dara grunted as she slowly woke up then covered her eyes with the blanket as she turned away from the blaring light that seems to fall right at her face. She let out a contented sigh as she felt herself slipping back to her dream but subconsciously making a note to always close the curtains on her window before she go to sleep at night so she wouldn't be woken up by the sun's rays beating her eyes open.

Right in the midst of her slipping into unconsciousness did she only realized... wait. The window of her room is at the center wall where her study desk is placed against... and her bed is at the corner for the exact reason that she doesn't want to wake up prematurely because of the sun's rays when it rises.... Her eyes slowly opened then removed the blanket from her face as she sat up, squinting as she looked at where the light is coming from. Ow, my head hurts. Her hand automatically went to her head as she saw the white curtains from the open balcony billowing from the morning breeze—balcony!! Her room doesn't have a balcony.

Her squinted eyes turned wide and with her hand on her head, her eyes moved to survey the sorroundings.

She's inside a wide room in black and white monochrome, a big flat screen TV on the right corner with a long fancy black sofa across from it, a desk with a—Woah, is that an iMac?. Dara slowly turned her head to look around. Everything is mostly in white. Am I dead? Is this heaven? She had been sleeping in a king sized bed with white fluffy pillows and white fluffy blanket.... She had felt so at peace—except for the headache. Did she got shot or... ran over last night? Did she drunk drive which caused her death?

Dara closed her eyes as she reprimanded herself for being so ridiculous. Get your brain straight, idiot. You are obviously not dead. Just hung over.

Then she gasped as she tried to process everything, her hands clutching the blanket as she looked around again. Okay, so If I'm not dead, where am i? What happened? What the hell! Yes, she knows she drank last night because she was dumped, that much she finally remembered. She paused then hastily checked herself and gave a sigh of relief when she found herself fully clothed underneath the blanket. Okay, so I didn't end up resorting to a one night stand. That's good. She closed her eyes as she felt the headache starting to get stronger, her panic forgotten. Damn. She really shouldn't drink anymore! Didn't she already promised not to drink anymore because of the aftermath?

She threaded her fingers on her messy hair grimacing at the headache and got off the bed. It's a really nice room. Very clean and tidy compared to hers and zero clutter. Dara knows she should be freaking out right now and thinking about how she finds herself waking up from someone else's bed inside someone else's house but as long as she is unharmed, still in one piece, she's gotta thank whoever had been nice enough to let her sleep in their own bed. Maybe the panic will come to her later.

She smoothed her hair wondering if she could ask whoever is in this house for some aspirin or pain killer or something then she caught sight of a small framed photograph near the bed side table, partially obscured by an open laptop. She reached for it curiously and her eyes widened as she looked at the man in the photo wearing a black suit looking very elegant and serious.

Piece by piece, the recollection hit her in a messy order and she gasped loudly putting a hand on her mouth, staring at the photo of Lee Donghae in utter horror.

You're already drunk.

I don't want to go home!

I have a high alcohol tolerance.

You're really cute. I have like, a big big crush on you..

I'm always thinking about you even when you are a big asshole.

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