Chapter 20

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Dara tried not to fidget as she kept her eyes focused on the changing numbers of the elevator to take them up to Donghae's unit. She blinked and very cautiously moved her eyes to her right where Donghae was. He was leaning on the elevator's wall facing her with his hands tucked inside his pocket and eyes staring intensely at her while she is standing there rigidly. She immediately returned her eyes back at staring at the elevator's number feeling like she's hyperventilating.

Why the hell am I getting nervous for? Sandara Park, what the hell are you thinking to happen?!

Since she had been so adamant in getting her expensive shoes, Donghae had taken her to his unit saying they could have dinner there and will take her home after. Given on what happened the last time she was here... well, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

You're just going to have dinner and go home. That's it.

But what if he tried something? Dara pursed her lips at the thoughts raging inside her brain. Should she stop him? Of course you should! What, are you easy now? Her heartbeat seemed to be getting louder and louder in the silence of the elevator.

The elevator stopped on a floor and a group of people got in, chattering loudly and Dara was pushed back. Donghae didn't move from his position but only reached out, took her hand and gently pulled her to him making Dara more tensed. She heard him chuckle softly but she can't react as she was too busy getting more and more nervous. When the people got off, she tried to move away from him but he didn't let go of her hand and just pulled her more closely to him. Dara looked at him, her brows furrowing. He was looking amused at the expression on her face.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked.

"Yes," Dara answered without hesitation.

"Why?" he asked genuinely looking surprised at her answer.

"Why what?"

"Why are you uncomfortable? How am I making you uncomfortable?"

Of course she couldn't possbily say that it's because he is emitting strong sexual vibe right now. Why am I suddenly such a perv? "It's... because... it's all new to me so...." She avoided his gaze.

Donghae studied her pensively before responding to her as the elevator door opened to his floor. "I'm really glad to hear that."

Still holding her hand, he stepped out of the elevator and strode towards the door of his unit and Dara had to fight the giddiness from spreading all over her so she just let the smile widen on her face. Donghae only let go of her hand when he took a paperbag from behind a door and showed it to her. "Here's your shoes but—" he returned it to where it was. "—you can take it later." He took her hand again and guided her to the dining room, making her sit on the stool chair. He looked really confident as he told her, "I'll make you a dish you have never tasted before."

Dara rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "I wouldn't have any choice now, do i?"

He grinned rolling his sleeves up as he opened his fridge and Dara rested her elbows on the bar table, clasping her hands as she watched him try to play Domesticated. No one told her a cook could be this hot. Then she frowned at herself. Oh my god. What is this? It's like every minute! The only thing missing is me stealing o picture of him and posting it on social media with hashtag ThirstIsReal. She exhaled silently then tilted her head slightly as she continued watching Donghae. Who can blame me?

Donghae looked like he was frozen as he looked into the contents of his refrigerator before he slowly turned to look at her. Dara immediately smoothened what she believe is her in a sappy expression.

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