Chapter 9

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Dara sighed heavily as she stared out at the peaceful waters of the river from the closed window of her room that night, the blanket wrapped around her while she sat indian-style on the bed she share with CL. Her hand lifted up to touch the the gauze bandage on the right corner of her temple where she supposedly hit something solid when she fell. She tucked her hand inside the blanket again inhaling deeply before letting it out in a loud breath.

She barely heard a knock and when she turned her head, she found CL entering the room with a tray of food.

"I brought you dinner," CL said with a smile kicking the door closed with her foot and striding over to the bed. "Hye Sun thought you need some rest so we just brought the food to you." She placed the tray on the bed near Dara. It had barbecue, a bowl of rice, some vegetables, pork ribs, fried fish, and a big glass of juice. "Unless you wanted to come out and join us. We're at the main deck." She grinned. "Which Hye Sun strongly disapproves off because she said you needed to rest. Which I'm not really sure what you are resting for, I mean, you're not sick, right?"

"No...," she answered halfheartedly, letting out a sigh again.

CL's grin faded at her downtrodden expression. "Does your head still hurt? Do you hurt anywhere? I thought you said were okay?"

"I am...."

CL sat down on the bed beside her and put her arm around her shoulders. "I know it's hard to get over your near-death experience and it probably traumatized you or something but we're here, okay?"

Dara nodded slowly. "I know." But nothing could ever take her out of this misery.

CL rubbed her shoulders. "I'm not used to seeing you looking so dejected or something. Tell me what's wrong? Is any of your bones broken?"

"My camera...," she answered tearfully.


"My camera," she answered loudly feeling like she wanted to cry. "It fell on the water and no one saved it."

CL's sympathetic face suddenly turned wry and she grabbed a handful of Dara's hair and yanked it down.

"Owww!" Dara yelped frowning at her friend.

"Are you kidding me?" CL stood up and put a hand over hip. "We were all worrying about you almost dying and you are depressed over a camera?"

"That was the camera I bought on my first paycheck," Dara defended indignantly. "It had sentimental value."

"Ohhh, wait until Hye Sun and Bom heard about this."

"Sorry! I appreciate you guys worrying about me and I thank you for that but I just can't help it, okay? It was... my most valuable item and I lost it." Her arms gestured over the river. "Lost it at the bottom of the sea. Do you know many years worth of memories are in there?"

"Aish," CL said, her mouth twitching probably wanting to scold Dara until her ears bleed.

"So let me just brood over that, okay?" Dara asked with a pout. "Don't worry about me anymore. I survived and I thank you, guys." Then added in a sob. "But my camera didn't. And I need time to grieve." It cost a fortune when she bought it! She should have brought a camera strap with her and tied it on her neck.

"I really can't believe this," CL muttered. "Imagine telling them you didn't want to come out because you are moping about your camera. And to think Donghae had jumped out of the water to save you and you are grieving over a camera he didn't get to save."

"I am really grateful for you guys saving me, don't get me wrong and—say what now?"

"You'd better get your butt outta here or I'm gonna tell Hye Sun what you're sulking in here about."

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