Chapter 11

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She's already been awake for two hours but she stayed in bed with her blanket over her, staring up at the ceiling of her room. She could hear the ticking of her wall clock drilling into her brain making her feel more hollow.

Her phone has been buzzing and when she glanced at the screen, there were at least 8 messages from Hye Sun, Bom, and CL and 12 missed calls in total for all of them.. No doubt CL had already briefed them on what happened last night.

Last night was a direct punch to her. By her CEO.

That rat.

And worst of all is that Lee Donghae was there to watch her being beaten down from the pedestal she think she owns. He's probably laughing now after everything she had said on the yacht.

You know that's not true.

Shut up.

Great. She's arguing with herself now. Dara closed her eyes after exhaling loudly. Lee Donghae was the last person she had expected to comfort her.

If comforting her is really what he had done yesterday.

There were some sense in the thing he had said but it still wouldn't change the fact that her CEO is a rat.

A soft knock sounded on the door before she heard the door open. She didn't bother opening her eyes to know that it was her mom. She always check on her every morning anyway.

And her mom always finds her ready to leave.

"You're still sleeping?" Her mom said walking over to her bed. "Are you sick?" She put her hand on Dara's forehead.

"I'm fine," Dara mumbled opening her eyes to look glumly at her mother.

Her mom studied her before shaking her head obviously knowing the cause of her morose expression. Dara did told her last night she would be announced as the Exec VP in which her mom told her not to get her hopes up too high but told her good luck anyways.

Dara hates it when her mom is right. She should not have wasted so much time trying to work for something she wasn't even considered of. Her lip turned downward and tears started to form in her eyes again.

"I'll make you breakfast," her mom said sitting on the edge of the edge and gently stroking her head. "What do you want to eat?"

Her mom's gentleness undid her. She edged closer to her mom so she could cry on her lap and her mom just let her, stroking her hair and patting her consolingly.

I should have called in sick. Dara trudged to her office without trying to make eye contact with anyone. Her eyes were focused straight ahead, her lips unsmiling indicating she is not up for any idle chatters on the hallway. She could see the people watching her as she passed by probably thinking she is in a bad mood because she wasn't the one that was promoted last night but she didn't care. Because she does not want to pretend she is okay.

After crying her eyes out and wailing over the unfairness of life to her mom for a good hour, she seemed to end being completely restless over the thought that there are still some work she needs to get done sittiing on her desk. And she also ended up arguing with her mom when she decided to go to work.

It's not like she is doing this for her CEO. There are a lot of people who are relying on her. Her staff, her team... she can't let them all down just because she didn't get promoted.

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