Chapter 13

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It's not a date, Dara. Geez, just shut your mind and focus on your work! Dara shook her head to clear out all the images of Donghae telling her to have lunch with him as it keeps on getting in the way of her concentration. She let out a whoosh of breath and willed her mind to direct its energy on her task of addressing every emails on her mailbox.

Maybe we could do lunch instead.

Dara gave a loud exasperated sigh as she put her hands on her forehead, closing her eyes as the feathery image of Donghae giving her a fond smile saying those words kept on popping inside her head.

And it's not even how he looked when he told her that early that morning. What is wrong with her?! She gave another loud sigh and leaned back on her chair.

"So okay," Dara said talking to herself while looking at the long line of unread emails on her mailbox. "I really have a...crush—" she stressed the work like it was the most icky thing that had ever happened to her. "—on Lee Donghae. So what? I'm an adult. I have a right to get crushes even at my age."

And yet you feel like a teenager on a possible date with the guy you've been crushing on.

"Ugh!" Her brain is really her biggest enemy nowadays. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples muttering to herself, "It's fine. It's just a... an admiration. He'd just gotten so nice and friendly which is the reason why a weak-hearted girl like me would be—"

"Ms. Dara?"

She jumped on her seat with a start to see her secretary by the door. "Yes!" She answered in a high pitched tone feeling the blood rushing on her face at the thought of someone hearing her mutter to herself.

About a crush.

"The director for the new reality show is already in room 5 on the 3rd floor."

"Oh, right," Dara said closing her computer and straightening her polo shirt. She have just read it a few minutes ago. Her CEO can't make it to the meeting so he assigned his loyal servant to stand in for him. Why is she not surprised?

What she was surprised on is how young the director is when she went to the meeting room. And very pretty to be working outside of the camera. "Hi," the director said shaking her hand. She had a very sweet and kind smile.

"Hi," Dara greeted back and motioned for them to sit down. "I didn't realize you were so young, Director Jung."

The director chuckled. "Just call me Jessica. Or Jess to make it short. I guess the Chairman didn't told you, huh?"

"No, he didn't," Dara said mentally strangling her boss. "And please, call me Dara."

"I've worked with CEO Yang before. That was... way back. I was just starting out then and he gave me a chance so...." She shrugged smiling.

"Hah," Dara only said. She couldn't imagine her CEO giving anyone a chance.

But then again, he did gave her a chance when she applied for a job without any work experience. She was a freshly graduate trying her luck in the media industry. She inwardly sighed not wanting that memory to soften her attitude on her CEO. She already paid him ten times over. And she had no doubt that he would use this young woman's skills until he bled her dry.

"Anyway," Jessica interrupted her thoughts. "I've received the script and the storyboard but... I would really like to throw in a few ideas. Sorry, but I'm going to be a nightmare for your writers."

Dara chuckled at that. "Don't worry. At least they would be able to empathize with my staff from now on."

Mnutes later, the writers came and sat one by one with pens and notebooks. Jessica was very smart and she is very serious on her job. Dara listened attentively, nodding her head at points she considered a very good idea and throws in a few one herself. It doesn't matter the cost. Her CEO will be the one to produce it anyway and he didn't mention any budget.

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