Chapter 22

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The feel of his smooth lips softly gliding over hers was so sweetly familiar that she couldn't help but revel in the feeling. The warmth and the sweetness of it made it impossbile for her not to be taken away by the whirling sensations that she is being pulled under. He was merely kissing her, softly nibbling on her lips, tasting it and she is so undone by it.

He lifted his face a little, his forehead touching hers as he breathed heavily through his mouth. She could hear his breath in the silence... feel his breath.

And she's pretty sure Donghae can hear the loud pounding of her heart.

He was trying to control himself. With too much difficulty. He thought just a kiss wouldn't hurt. A soft touch.

But he was wrong to think he would be satisfied with just a kiss. He knew what's going to happen if he wouldn't stop now.

Mustering all the self-control he had, he straightened up to move away from her intoxicating scent. Her eyes opened and her bright, innocent eyes laced with evident yearning is enough for his undoing. He didn't realize he was already gripping the armrest with his hand and he pressed his lips together to keep his control under. "Do you want some dessert?" he asked, his voice sounding a little hoarse.

Dara was a blank for a second as she stared up at him. "Dessert?" she asked stupidly.

Donghae stepped away from her and reached over for a fork to get a bite of the cake leaving Dara looking mystified.

"Hmmm, this tastes really good," Donghae muttered as he resumed his seat on the stool.


He really was talking about dessert. Literally. When is she ever learn?? What dessert are you thinking of anyway you... you... perv! She got to really stop reading romance novels with too much sexual innuendos that she is ending up thinking the same with every goddam innocent words. She could feel that embarassment creeping up on her neck up to her face and she can't even turn her head to look at him. She was pretty sure he would see that disappointment written all over her face. Oh my gawd. I've become such a tramp.

"Something wrong?" Donghae asked sounding a littlee hesitant.

You had to ask?! Her mind snarled at him but she lifted her chin and tried to smile while fixing her eyes at the painting on the wall. "No, there's nothing wrong." But her nostrils are flaring. She was mad at herself and mad at him. She knew it. If this is not gonna happen tonight, it's never going to happen. She's like the female version of Steve Carrell. Only she's the 33 year old virgin. But who knows? In a years time, the 40-year old virgin would finally suit her.

Is there something wrong with her?

There it is. That rush of insecurity.

Is she not... good enough? Not desirable enough? Or maybe he found himself bored with the way she's practically throwing herself at him thinking there's no more challenge with her?

She knew she's being irrational, stupid, and childish but she really can't help it. Right after he teased her like that? If that is really what teasing is. And she knew that insecurity is going to consume her tonight if she didn't address her irrationality, stupidity, and childishness now. Right here.

"Donghae," she firmly called him as she turned her stool to face him.

He was looking at her with wide questioning eyes as he chewed slowly. This prick doesn't even have any idea what is going through her mind right now.

"I just realized that I have never felt so much insecurity in my lifetime until less than 12 hours today," Dara said sharply.

His chewing slowed even more until it stopped. And god, he looked so clueless she wanted to smack him with a plate. Thankfully, he was saved from her when her phone buzzed inside her pocket. It was still on silent mode but she turned the vibration on earlier while Donghae was cooking.

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