Chapter 5

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I won't stop until you're mine

The words kept on replaying in her mind as she stare wide eyed at the man sitting across from her casually taking a sip of his coffee like he didn't just shock the shit out of her.

"Wh—wha—what are you—" She couldn't find the words as her brain probably shut down on its own.

Donghae looked at her as he placed the cup down on its saucer. "LDH Electronics has always been one of the top Manufacturing and Distributing companies in the country for 30 years. We had never disappointed our clients and our services has always been more than superb. As much as I don't believe you would let your first impression on me cloud your judgment on my company, it never hurts to compensate the rudeness you had witnessed." His mouth stretched in a small smile. "And I would do everything to get your account with us."

Dara just sat there gaping at him like an idiot, his words washing over her again and again before she finally understood what he meant by I won't stop until you're mine. A tinge of disappointment went down her spine as she restrained herself from making a face but fixed him with narrowed eyes.

"So you're tyring to bribe me?" she said a little too coldly. Idiot! She told herself. He meant the contract! He wants your approval for the contract so our account woud be his. Not anything romantic. Why does it have the same term with a different meaning anyway? Who invented this vocabulary words?! "I guess I'm your best option because you can't do the same with my boss."

Apart from the fact that your boss is a man and it's going to be too awkward for me to send him flowers, the COO is the mouth and brain of 21 TV's CEO." He looked at her in the eyes as if challenging her to deny it.

She smirked. "Yeah, it's a tough job sometimes."

Donghae smiled at that. "I would like to take you for a tour at our main facility in Mokpo so you would be able to see for yourself how we manufacture our products. Are you free tomorrow?"

He's good. He didn't ask. He just stated it like it's imperative for her to go. She lifted her cup nonchalantly and took a sip. "I'll check my sked," she answered. "I'll have my secretary call you when I'm free." She made a show of looking at her wristwatch before smiling at him. "You have to excuse me. I have someone to meet. Thank you for the coffee."

Donghae stood up at the same time she did. "You're welcome. I hope to see you again, Ms. Park."

She just gave him a small smile before nodding her head and exiting the coffee shot. She went straight to her car and drove off.


Where else could it be but her mother's house to stuff herself and drown in misery.

True to his word, Donghae really did everything to make her his. Everyday, she found herself signing for a flower arrangement delivery to the point that her office started smelling like a funeral parlor. Sometimes she would receive invitations lunch or dinner which she graciously declined. Of course, even in business, she wasn't easy. And she is mainly declining for professional reasons. She's not someone anyone can just bribe! Even if that someone is very good looking guy like Lee Donghae, she would still be strict on her business etiquette.

"Woah, you admirer is still at it for a week already."

Dara made a face as the delivery boy placed another flower arrangement at the table of the sofa she is seated at. Bom and CL was already there, talking up a storm and gossiping as if they didn't see each other last night.

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