Chapter 12

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Dara gave Lee Donghae the dirtiest look she could ever manage as she gave him all the properties she had to repay him for the loans as she had all but ran out of money given that she picked 5 bankruptcy and 3 jail cards already. Lee Donghae wasn't even smiling as he collected the money and her assets—no pun intended—leaving him as the owner of most of everything in the game as he beat all of them out of Monopoly. His expression indicates that this is nothing new to him and he had done this a thousand times so this is the outcome he had expected.

"I thought you said you didn't know how to play this?" Dara said grouchingly. It's not like she hated losing but she was confident in winning over Lee Donghae when the game started.

"I don't," Donghae casually said. "But it's easy to understand. This is my game in life. And I hate losing."

"Man, you're scary," Jae Hyun said with a laugh.

Dara just scowled at him. Yeah, that's obvious enough since he already won the three games they did. She was amused at first but it started to irritate her that she couldn't outsmart him.

"Don't be a sore loser, Dee," Hye Sun said with a laugh at the look on her face. "Donghae is brilliant in investments and business. I would be shocked if he didn't win this."

"He could've let one of us win," Dara grumbled.

"Purposely losing is not in Donghae's vocabulary," Hye Sun said as she bit into the last sandwich.

"Why would I purposely lose?" Donghae asked Dara that question looking genuinely puzzled on why he should let one of them win.

Dara rolled her eyes upward. Ugh. Why in the world did I thought I have a stupid crush on him? "Because it's just a game. You can't hoard all the money, you know?" Okay, now she sounded stupid. "Y'know what, forget it."

Donghae's brows furrowed at her like he couldn't understand why she is so huffy when it is, like she said, just a game.

"Okaaay," CL said looking like she's trying not to laugh at Dara. "Let's just find another game to play."

"No," Dara said with a shkae of her head leaning over the board. "Let's start again." She started preparing the game, determined to make Donghae lose even if it meant she would give all her earnings and assets to the girls or Jae Hyun.

He still won. All eight games. Even with Dara's fiery enthusiasm and careful planning, Lee Donghae still managed to beat all of them not even considering to lose just once. Just once so Dara could live in peace. God, she hated the man. Why did Hye Sun have to invite him?

Dara was left silently sulking as Hye Sun passed drinks around announcing that playing games are over despite Dara's request for a last one.

"You said that on the fifth game," Hye Sun had told her.

So, she just kept drinking the red wine and just let them chat. It was after a couple of minutes that she realized she really was taking the childish act to heart. Every little thing just irritates her to a certain magnitude.

Hormones? Maybe she's gonna have her monthly period.

She grabbed the bottle of red wine from the table and poured another one onto her glass. Donghae watched her and asked, "Are you okay to drink?"

Dara looked at him in puzzlement over that question. "Of course." What, does he think she's underaged? Well, considering how she acted, maybe she is.

CL heard that little exchange and she piped in. "Dara is in her thirties, Donghae. She's in the legal age to drink and do other things adults do."

Dara gave her friend a deathly glare which CL only ignored as Bom tried not to giggle. Hye Sun grinned too even though she doesn't know what is pushing Bom and CL to lay it on too thick. Yet.

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