Chapter 24

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Dara watched his face after he answered her with that clear voice of his and noting that unfathomable expression. She just couldn't believe it. "You know... a lot of people had told me that. I spent... all night thinking about what Jessica said... weighing in all of the things that you told me and how you acted. I had never questioned your motive... I never doubted you. Because I really thought you were... honest with me from the start." She looked straight into his eyes and if she wasn't focused in studying his face, she would've missed that tick on his jaw, the very first emotion she was able to detect. "And I was right."

Donghae doesn't seem to understand what she said at first. He was staing at her in a frozen state for a second, then his brows furrowed slightly then blinked as he gaped at her. It would've been comical if Dara isn't set in making him understand that nothing could change her mind about him. She lifted the corners of her mouth in a small smile as she told Donghae the only truth she is most sure about. "I trust you."

His eyes was fixed on her but a whoosh of breath came out of his mouth as if he had been holding it and he only took one step to reach her, grabbed her arm with a yank to enfold her in his arms.

"I don't know if anyone had ever told you this... I think I might've mentioned it once but... you're not very good in lying," Dara said resting her chin on Donghae's shoulders as he hugged her tighter.

"I'm sorry," Donghae murmured regretfully.

Dara smiled as she returned his hug. "Don't ever do that again."

They both know her words aren't meant to only be a joke of him attempting to lie but not to lie just because he thought he needs to for someone. They stayed holding each other for a good few minutes before Donghae let her go and Dara smirked as she teased him. "Whatever happened to you telling it like it is? No white lies? Tsk tsk. You really disappointed me."

Donghae frowned at her when he spotted that envelope she had in her hand and knowing exactly what that is. "Don't quit your job, Dara." She sighed as she shook her head but Donghae continued before she can speak. "This is my problem and you shouldn't have been caught in this."

"Well... I did lie," Dara said.

"You shouldn't had to," Donghae said. "If only I had called and give you some information or at least contacted CEO Yang.... This is all on me and you shouldn't be suffering for my mistake."

Dara narrowed her eyes at him. "So trying to lie your way in making me think that you used me to win 21 TV is your way of not making me suffer?"

"It was a lame plan," Donghae admitted. "I didn't get to prepare a more elaborate one since I just got the news not five minutes ago that you are being held responsible for what happened with LDH."

"I think you have been watching some dramas yourself if you are incorporating that plan into real life and think it is effective." Then she exhaled as she looked down at her resignation letter that she is planning to bring to the chairman but found him gone in his office. And then coincidentally enough, she heard voices and heard that little conversation the chairwoman had with Donghae. Seeing him again made her feel relieved that he was okay though he looked like he lost some weight.

She had been waiting by the wall listening to that conversation, mostly the chairwoman's monologue until she figured out how to tease Donghae by acting like she believed it.

Because after everything that she was told... she believed in Donghae. He couldn't just fake everything that happened. His kisses, his touch.... No one is that good in faking it. Unless Donghae is working as an undercover actor.

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