Chapter 6

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Rewritten this story in English XD


Dara was walking on a flower field with her long flowing white dress, her hair blown by the wind. She felt so free, so happy and she was laughing. A hand stretched out over to her and she received it with a smile. His hands were warm against hers and she looked up at him, the blare of the light behind him obscuring his features but she could see him smiling too.


The sound resonated all around her as the beautiful dream suddenly dissolved and her eyes flew open. She blinked, dazed and she heard it again. This time, a soft sound of a knock.

On her door.

She sat up feeling disoriented. Where am i? Who am i? She closed her eyes and shook her head before rubbing her eyes awake. She yawned widely as she climbed out of bed and strode towards her door not even bothering to look through the peephole.

Donghae was standing in front of her door looking neat and awake compared to her dishevelled, disoriented appearance. She blinked and finally realized she is not in her own home and is actually inside a hotel with Lee Donghae who looked immaculate this early in the morning.

"I assume you're... not ready to go?" he asked hesitantly as he studied her.

"Ready to go? Sa'n?"she stupidly asked.

"Uh... Seoul," Donghae answered.

"Ah, right." She sighed. It all came back clearly to her now. They got starnded because Lee Donghae doesn't know how to change a flat tire and had no choice but to stay inside a hotel.

And hw stupid she had acted.

"Give me 30 minutes," Dara said, fully awake now as the events of last night filled her brain with embarassment. She closed the door and immediately went inside the bathroom to wash her face. She had been really restless last night as she was not comfortable sleeping in her corporate attire. She felt so unkempt now. She brushed her teeth with the toothbrush-hotel-provided and washed her face with the soap. It's a good thing she always had her hair brush and face powder with her, otherwise, she would look like Lee Donghae's PA.

Seriously, that guy doesn't look like he had been tired. So exasperating! While she.... She stared at herself in the mirror and thanked her genes for this beautiful skin and youthful face. Apart from her swollen eyes, she still looked okay.

She grabbed her bag and saw Donghae waiting for her at the lobby. He was sitting in one of the couches and he stood up when he saw her approaching. "Signal is really bad," he said. "We might have to take the bus."

Bus? She gave him a wry look because she doesn't really have much choice now, does she? Bus is definitely okay. If you're not wearing heels! Donghae seemed oblivious of her predicament as he continued, "I already checked us out. Are you ready?"

"Yes," she asnswered halfheartedly.

It was a nighmare for her feet as the student-receptionist forgot to mention that the bus they were supposed to take would mean risking your life on the line as you board it. Donghae had to pull her so she can climb up first before the man, who not even stepped on her foot but also elbowed her on the face, as they started the race of Who Can Get Inside The Bus First. She felt like she was battered and bruised by the time they found a tiny space to stand on. It feels like a can of sardines inside as the bus driver kept on picking passengers even if it's already full and she and Donghae kept being pushed back until they are standing almost at the back so the new passengers can be accomodated. The ride is too bumpy and she couldn't find anything to hold on to and she ended swaying back and forth like a freakin' boat in a stormy sea. And her face had to smack at a man's back that is wet with sweat when the bus lurched to a stop. Donghae had been too busy on the phone to notice her distress. He was holding onto the overhead railings and she wanted to kick him because even with her heels, her arms can't reach that far. She have to stand on her toes to reach it and she won't go through this trip suffering like a ballerina.

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