in the shower part 2 (smut)

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weird and awkward, sorry

he had seen your body thousands of times and yet you were still shy around him, despite how comfortable he made you feel. cassian's tall frame ducked slightly as he entered the shower, pulling the shower curtain back.

he stood in front of you, smiling down while you held your arms in front of your body. "why do you hide yourself from me?" he asked quietly, reaching down and pulling your arms away.

you sucked in air while his eyes raked over your body. "you're still wearing your underwear," you observed.
cassian nodded. "right."

after he had removed them and flung them onto the shower mat outside, he reached behind you and turned the water to a hotter temperature, watching your face.

"you have a beautiful voice you know," he said, stepping forward and playing with the wet ringlets of hair around your cheeks. "and a sexy body."
you blushed and shoved him playfully. "you're not so bad yourself, mate."
he grinned and leaned forward, pressing soft pink lips onto yours. the water created a cloud of steam around you and it didn't help that cassian was running his hands all over your body. his touch was everywhere; from the back of your neck to the arch in your back, all the way down to your bum where he squeezed gently. you moaned into his mouth which earned you a nice smack on your butt. you moaned louder.

"I want to taste you," cassian's voice was husky. you leaned back, stared into those deep brown eyes and smirked.
"then taste me."

your ego always got a little inflated in the midst of these heated moments with cassian. he brought it out of you, the confidence. he made you feel sexy, desired. And you could tell that he loved it.

he dropped to his knees and grabbed your hips, facing your already soaking centre towards the shower head.

cassian helped you prop a leg up onto the side of the tub before he leaned in and blew on your clit. you gasped and smacked a hand against the shower wall, wishing you had something to hold yourself up with.

"try not to slip, babe," cassian said carefully before licking a slow line up your slit. you moaned and grabbed onto his hair, pushing him against you while the hot water ran over your body. it was unlike anything you'd ever felt. sure, cassian had gone down on you before.

but not like this.

he moaned against you and the vibrations only added to your pleasure. you were moving your hips against him while you clung to his hair for support, physically and mentally. you were a mess.

"you always taste so good," cassian muttered, placing a few kisses on your inner thighs. "why's it you always taste so good?"

"fuck, cas," you gasped. "keep going, please."

he smiled up at you, keeping his eyes on yours while his tongue darted in vicious circles on your clit. when you felt that familiar knot in your stomach you cried out and cassian kept up the pace, helping you to your orgasm.
"oh my- god, yes, cas-" Your knees trembled as the pleasure shook you, your head falling back and eyes clamped shut. everything went silent for a moment, the world escaping you as cassian tongue brought your pleasure to a whole other dimension.

he smirked. "your turn"

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