Karaoke Night

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Me and 49 other VIP won a chance to do Karaoke with BIGBANG. I was fortunate that 2 of them were my bestfriends. They were TOP and Daesung bias and my ultimate bias was G-Dragon.

I had horrible stage fright but when I drank my inhibitions kinda loosened. I was also extremely shy and regardless of how much I drank that never changed. I was also a virgin despite being 26. Men scared me. My brother molested me until I was 17 and I ran away at 15 to escape it. Only to be raped by a truck driver. I never even had a boyfriend before I was that scared of them.

When we got to the karaoke bar BIGBANG had a table in the back of the room. The other VIP were clustered around their table as close as they could get.

I was claustrophobic and to shy to fight the crowd so I hung back at a far table and waited to see if my friends would follow. They wanted to be as close to BIGBANG as they could get.

I had lost a bet with them over not being able to watch a GD related video until after this fan event.  As punishment I was required to sing any song they entered for me. I had a decent singing voice but singing infront of GD was going to be a challenge.

The night went on and everytime I sang I got a loud response but I would hide back at my fairly secluded table to avoid socializing of anykind.

"GD has been watching you all night especially when you sing," One of my friends said as we worked on our 3rd drink.

I was feeling pretty drunk already and then the DJ for the event handed TOP,  GD,  and me microphones and I saw their song Oh Yeah come on the screen. I glared at my friends who were snickering and I suddenly felt betrayed.

Singing an English song infront of them was barely manageable how did they think I was going to do with a Korean song and one of theirs at that.

I knew the Korean parts but I couldn't speak the language at all. I did the song while keeping my eyes downcast.

My friends also requested Without You and I wanted to kill them. Tears sprang to my eyes, I knew I had lost a dumb bet but they were torturing me now.

Our friendship was over after this that's for sure. When the song ended I shoved the microphone in the DJ's hand, grabbed my things and after having to walk directly past BIGBANG's table I made it out back. I lit a cigarette and my friends came out with me.

"We are sorry, we took it to far," they said.

"you think?" I shot back at them.

"They enjoyed it though?" they said defensively

"I don't give a fuck, that was terrifying for me. You guys know I have issues with this kind of stuff and then you did that, just both of you fuck off," I seethed at them.

They kept trying to apologize but I ignored them.

"What about getting back to CA?" they asked.

"I'll manage on my own," I said coldly and I heard the door open as they left.

I sat down at one of the patio tables and started crying.

I sat down at one of the patio tables and started crying

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