Unconventional Convention

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GD/VI/Taemin (this just randomly popped in my head one day no idea why lol)

Jiyong was watching SHINee's last song, Lucifer and I could see the lust burning in his eyes for the group's maknae and dancer. Taemin was dressed in his Lucifer outfit from their music video. Unknown to my hyung and leader I was fixing Jiyong my own hungry gaze on him. I had to admit I felt a pang of jealousy seeing him practically undressing Taemin with his eyes. However, I already formed a plan by the time SHINee's stage ended.

I watched Jiyong jerk himself out of his trance and disappear before SHINee got backstage

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I watched Jiyong jerk himself out of his trance and disappear before SHINee got backstage.

I saw him start to gather the other members of BIGBANG for our performance but I ran to SHINee's dressing room in search of Taemin

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I saw him start to gather the other members of BIGBANG for our performance but I ran to SHINee's dressing room in search of Taemin. By the time I got back to the stage we had one minute left before our stage and Jiyong flashed me an annoyed look. I simply smiled at him as I took my spot, he would never know what I spoke to Taemin about when I sought him out.

When the concert ended I followed Jiyong back to our dressing room to pack our stuff. I finished first and ran off again to talk.to the dancer. Taemin and I had actually grown pretty close and I knew his sexuality and that he liked both me and Jiyong. I just didn't know about Jiyong. I only had a feeling he was gay but since I had never seen him be really intimate I couldn't say for sure.

By the time I returned Jiyong was almost done and I helped him finish.

"Hyung, you going to the afterparty?" I asked him.

"Was thinking about it," he said quietly. He seemed kinda down today.

As we left, TOP, SOL, and Dae wanted to go back to the hotel to sleep. Jiyong and I took his car to the club. After about an hour Jiyong noticed Taemin by the bar.

"Hyung, brb need to use the restroom?" I said and smiled slightly as Jiyong barely glanced at me and acknowledged what I said. Taemin had locked his eyes on Jiyong and was currently seducing with a lip bite. Taemin was good and I may need to start taking lessons from him.

Taemin noticed me and followed just as Jiyongs vision got obstructed by oogling girls.

I gave Taemin my hotel room key and told him the hotel and number. He left to the hotel to lay in wait in Jiyong's and my hotel room.

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