This is going to be a collection of GD oneshots(Gay, Bisexual, and Straight) This is kinda going to be an idea section also, meaning I may use some of them in longer stories I will write later. WARNING: THIS IS ALL EROTICA so if you dont like sexual...
(Requested by a reader-I hope you don't mind going AU with this one)
My car died just as I pulled into the drive way of the highly recommended mechanic. I headed inside and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the sexiest man ever walk out from what appeared to be a very spacious office.
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"Can I help you?" It sounded like he said but I was to stuck on him to really understand. I only realized I was staring practically drooling on myself when I noticed him smile and bite his lip.
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"Sorry, its been a rough few days. My car died and I need some help." I said feeling the heat in my cheeks. "I'll take a look," he said and he followed me out to the parking lot. I don't know why but I had a strange feeling he was staring at my ass in the tight black jeans I wore. I smirked at the whistle I got from him when he saw my car. "Sexy" he said.
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I opened the hood for him and he proceeded to look at it. I couldn't keep from staring at him as he worked. It was hard to believe this man was a mechanic.
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After a few minutes he looked at me. "I can fix it and I have the parts I need. It will take about an hour," he said. I didn't mind waiting. I had a feeling I would enjoy watching him work.
By the time he was done it took all my will power to not pop a boner. He washed his hands, arms, and face before joining me at the register. When I went to pay I was shocked to find my credit card decline. I called to see what was going on to learn my soon to be ex wife had canceled the card. "Shit," I cursed shoving my phone in my pocket. "My soon ex wife canceled my card and I have no cash on me," I said to him. "That sucks," He said with a sigh. "Yeah, well find out her husband is gay and likes kinky porn, didn't sit to well with her," I said not caring I was telling a total stranger something rather personal. "Wow," he said and finished drying himself off with the towel before tossing it in table. He picked up a length of chain and started walking towards the back office. He stopped and turned his head to look back at me. "Let's talk in here" he said and I followed him. He shut the door when I entered then took a seat at the only chair in the office. "Maybe I can think of another way you can pay me," the guy said and I looked at him. "What?"I said not really getting what he was trying to say. He sighed and grabbed my wrist pulling me to stand in front of him. His hand was suddenly on my crotch and I gasped. " I could sense you liked me the minute you walked in," he said rubbing my rapidly hardening cock through my jeans. "" I said breathing a little harder. "Take your clothes off and lay on my lap," he said and I did as he said getting more turned on at him telling me what to do. While I was getting my clothes off he opened a drawer in his desk and kept the items he took out from view of me. I later over his lap and almost immeaditly his hands were on my cheeks squeezing them before he raised a hand up and brought it down hard. I groaned deeply and he did it again. It happened repeatedly until he was satisfied with my level of desperation. He had me back up slightly before he stood then immeaditly kneeled next to and used the chain on me to bind my wrists to the chair. He sat back down and pulled my head back by my hair. I moaned as I watched him take his own leaking cock out and stroke it before he slid it into my mouth and started fucking my mouth at a steady pace. "Fuck, so good" he groaned. He leaned over and I could feel his slicked finger pressing against my asshole before sliding inside. "Oh god...don't worry about prepping me. Just fuck me please, I can take it" I whined at him. He chuckled and slicked his cock with lube and pushed inisde, bottoming out, and hitting my prostate on the first thrust. He yanked my hair back and thrusted even hard. With his free hand he grabbed my neglected clock at started stroking me with hard quick pumps. With a loud growl I came and he followed shortly after.
When we finished he unchained me and helped me dress. "OK you are free to leave with your car, I hope to see you again though. Maybe I can show some of my fetishes," he said with a wink.