DJ Dragon

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"Oh come on Missy, you never want to go out, all you want to do is sit in your room and read," my roommate and best friend Kristina said poking me in the side.

"Alright fine, where are we going?" I finally gave in and put my book away and took off my glasses.

"There is suppose to be an awesome DJ at my favorite club," she said and I wasn't all that enthused, I hated clubs. To noisy and way to many people.

I was about to complain but she started pouting and simply agreed to go.

I watched her start getting ready and I dressed up a little but not much. By the time we left she looked like she just stepped off the runway and I looked like I was the poster child for a thrift shop.

People often wondered how we came such good friends since we were so different. Opposites attract they say was always our response. Truth is we had been best friends since Preschool, we had falling outs but never serious enough to destroy our friendship. She was like my sister.

When we entered the club she took my hand and headed to the bar for some drinks. We then got a table by the DJ Booth. I didnt pay alot of attention to the DJ at first. Kristina kept trying to get me to dance but I kept shaking my head. Suddenly she yanked me to my feet and pulled me into her. We turned so I was facing the DJ booth but I was still focused on her, now I was confused and a little annoyed.

"That DJ is totally checking you out, Missy, and he is hot," Kristina whispered in my ear.

Thats when I finally looked and almost immediately felt sucked in. He was definitely sexy like Kristina said, plus he was looking directly at me.

 He was definitely sexy like Kristina said, plus he was looking directly at me

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The song he was playing ended and he put it on random play and moved to take his headphones off

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The song he was playing ended and he put it on random play and moved to take his headphones off. Was he coming to talk to me?

He got a drink and as Kristina and I danced he walked in our direction.

"Hi, DJ Dragon" He said and it was only when he was right infront of me I noticed he was asian. The club was dark and he was in shadow alot up in the DJ booth.

"Hi, Missy" I said with a shy laugh

Kristina made herself scarce by dancing off with a guy that had asked her.

"Do you wanna go somewhere quieter to talk," Dragon asked me and I nodded.

He took my hand and lead me out the back door. I watched him pull out a cigarette and I did the same. Kristina constantly hounded me about my smoking but I ignored her.

"My actual name is Jiyong," He said.

"Melissa, but most people just call me Missy," I said softly looking at my feet. I don't know why but his glare made me even shyer.

"Why did you want to talk to me anyway, plenty of gorgeous girls inside," I asked him genuinely curious. I was not anything spectacular but for some reason a guy who could have any girl he wanted was giving me the time of day.

"Oh, I was watching you in there, you looked miserable," he said crossing his arms infront of him leaning back against the wall.

"Ah...yeah this whole club thing isnt my thing. Im a loner and a bookworm" I said putting my glasses on briefly. I only wore my contacts for special occasions.

"Why did you come here then," he asked I was just starting to notice his thick accent and how low his voice was. My body was definitely reacting to him.

" bestfriend wanted to come and she didnt want to come alone," I said.

Right on cue Kristina stumbled out back with guy she was dancing laughing.

"Hey Missy, You want to leave yet?" Kristina asked me.

"Um...i dont care, why?" I asked her.

"Im ready to go" she said and glanced behind her at the guy.

"Neither of you can drive," I said and I was honestly a little disappointed.

"Well I was just finishing my set anyway mind if I tag along. I need a ride anyway," Jiyong suddenly said.

I agreed and Jiyong finished his set and I drove us all back to our Apartment.

Before I could even get the door shut and locked Kristina and the guy she picked up at the bar were already in her room with door shut.

I wondered if Jiyong was expecting me to be that way too. Its not like I was a virgin and I enjoyed the occasionally fling too but I was picky and hard to please. Sure this guy was beautiful but that wasnt always enough to satisfy me.

I also wasnt one to initiate, Im shy at first, I guess in away I had the desire to be taken. I got us a couple drinks and we sat on the sofa.

"So what else do you do besides DJing," I asked him.

"Im a singer," he said and that perked my interest.

"Sing me a song?," I asked him and he giggled and blushed.

"Just a little bit?" I ask with a slight pout.

"You got me losing my mind the way you got me fired up.
Never give up believe it when they try us.
You and me against the world, with you
Ill ride or die, tonight."

Woah he had a voice and I could feel my panties were soaked. I lunged on him devouring his lips with mine my hands clutching tightly into his black hair. He whimpered into my mouth as I gently nipped his plump bottom lip with my teeth.

I broke the kiss panting and only far enough so he could speak. I looked into his eyes.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked him.

He shook his head, he could be lying but him suddenly grinding his hardness against my thinly covered clit made me gasp and suddenly stop caring.

I got off the couch and I grabbed his hand and dragged him into my room shutting the door and then promptly shoving him down on the bed.

I straddled his lap and he sat up as I slid his t-shirt off. I ran my handa over skin delighting in how soft he was. I slipped between his legs and undid his jeans and slid them off along with his boxers.

"Shit..." he moaned when I sucked him into my mouth.

He tried bucking his hips but I pressed his hips firmly down to the bed.

I slid back up his body and he flipped us so he wad ontop and he made short work of my clothes.

I grabbed him before he could go down on me and shook my head.

"Please, just fuck me. I want to you to damn much," I whimpered at him.

He smiled and slid his length into. I thrusted hard and fast and I became speechless, all I could do was cling to him as a never ending stream of cries and moans fell from my lips.

He sent me over the edge and my tightening muscles brought him with me.

We laid on my bed panting and I rolled over slipping my arm around his waist.

"I want you to know, I dont expecting anything from you after this. If you don't..." I started but he cut me off with a kiss.

We started dating and I couldn't be any happier.

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