Jiyong/OFC (Ok so this is a little on the taboo side, considering the romance is between Stepbrother and stepsister.)
When my father remarried after my mom died I was not happy about it. He moved us to Seoul for his work and that when he met the woman that was soon to become my new stepmother. She was nice enough but my issue was with her son. He was extremely gorgeous, you can just ask him.
He was so conceited and full of himself I could barely stand being in the same room as him. I was the exact opposite, I was shy and quiet and had practically no self esteem. He never relented in his constant teasing. He was older then my by at 5 years. Our parents married when I was 13 and he was 18. He soon went off to college and I requested to go to a boarding school so I wouldn't have to see him when he came home for vacations and holidays.
We didnt see each other again until I was 18 and he was 23. I graduated and went returned home to our parents out on a cruise. He met me at the airport and he was just as gorgeous as I remembered him.
His personality had changed some too, he wasnt as arrogant as he was 5 years ago. Our ride home from the airport was quiet. I could see him out of the corner of my eye glancing at me.
"What?" I finally asked him.
"Nothing," he said turning his eyes back to the road.
"Then why do you keep staring at me?" I said turning fully in my seat and looking at him.
"Im not," he said defensively looking at me his eyes flashed in anger.
"Ok, im sorry," I said holding my hands up and turning back to face forward in my seat.
I shifted in my seat. What he didnt know was that the look he had given me and the thick accent he had made my body clench in forbidden lust.
We got to our house and he helped take my suitcases upstairs to my room.
"Probably just get some takeout for dinner," he said before leaving my room and shutting my door behind him.
I laid down and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
When I woke up it was 8pm and I was starving. I walked oit of my room and looked around for Jiyong.
"Jiy?" I called out to him but recieved no response.
I walked to his closed bedroom door and knocked but still no answer. I opened the door and heard the sound of his shower. Despite my better judgement I was to curious and crept to his bathroom door and peaked inside. I gasped softly at his beautiful slender frame and tattoos. His cock was semi hard and I suddenly had a vision of slipping into the shower with him and sucking him off. The sound of the water turning off jerked me back to reality and ran out of his room shutting the door behind me.
My heart was pounding with everystep I took to my bedroom. I ran inside and shut the door behind me. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and my body was screaming in desire.
"Anna, what do you want for dinner?" Jiyong's voice sounded through my door and he knocked.
"I dont care Jiy, whatever you want is fine," I said trying hard to compose myself.
"Im getting sushi then," he said.
"Thats fine," I said back to him.
He didnt say anything more so I could only assume he walked away.
It wasnt until after the food arrived that I finally came out of my room and I went down to the kitchen to join him for dinner.
Having seen him naked I felt awkward and I kept dropping my food when I used the chopsticks, which I was usually very good with. I sighed in frustration before tossing them aside and eating with my hands.

G-Dragon One Shots (NC-17)
VampiriThis is going to be a collection of GD oneshots(Gay, Bisexual, and Straight) This is kinda going to be an idea section also, meaning I may use some of them in longer stories I will write later. WARNING: THIS IS ALL EROTICA so if you dont like sexual...