Making Of A Romance

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GD/OFC- Dahlia

When my manager told me I was going to be filming a music video with the famous korean boy group BIGBANG, I looked at him confused. He had said it like I should know who they were but I had never heard of them before.

"Um okay," I said over the phone. He had already booked our flight and I hung up to pack.

When we landed in Seoul I was exhausted and we hurried to our hotel where I flung myself on the bed and passed out. My manager seemed confused how I could be so calm.

"Ive never heard of them, so why should I be excited?" I had asked him.

The next day my manager knocked on hotel room door and we grabbed a quick bite in the hotel restaurant befoee heading to the shooting.

I didn't know a word of korean but I was fortunate because my manager was korean-american and was fluent in both hangul and english.

He introduced me to several friends of his that were there some spoke a bit of english others he had to translate.

He handed me a slinky white bikini and a lacy white overshirt and directed me to a trailer where I could change. He told me he would introduce me to the guys of the group after I had changed. Yes, because dressed like a total slut is the exact impression I wanted to make. I sighed but didnt argue.

I changed quickly and slipped my sandles on before heading back outside. It was a little chilly but not to bad. I spotted my manager talking to a group of 5 guys and I approached. They must of said something to him because he turned towards me and waved me over.

He introduced me in korean and they all bowed and shook my hand. I returned the bow because I felt it only proper being in their country. They were all good looking but only one really grabbed my attention. He had orangeish red hair, was dressed in all white and had the most beautiful delicate features. His name was G-Dragon but most of everyone around called him Jiyong.

He was the one I was shooting the scene with and I certantly wasnt disappointed. He also scared me, I had never been around asians before and sometimes life would be so much easier if I could read thoughts. He had a penetrating gaze but he was very sweet. He also spoke to me in english, his thick accent sent shivers up my spine. One thing I noted was we were both very shy people and my shyness only got worse when I discovered we had to shoot a bed/kiss scene together.
It started with us laying next to each other in bed his arms around me.

His hands caressed my sides and I could feel the goosebumps on my flesh

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His hands caressed my sides and I could feel the goosebumps on my flesh. He also smelled divine and expensive. Way to good for me, cool it girl. We didnt say much to each other but I had to wonder if he somehow knew the effect he had on me. Every once in awhile our eyes would meet and we would smile at each other.

I had been listening carefully to the song and quickly figures out which member sang what part and his voice was certantly not helping calm me down any. If anything it made my heart beat even faster.

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