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GD/OFC (Original Female Character)

I nervously set up my equipment for the photoshoot. My boss had called me last minute sick and asked me to fill in for her. She said I was photographing a very popular Korean music artist. I knew of kpop I guess you could I say I was a casual fan. Then she told me who it was...G-Dragon. I was hopelessly obsessed and my boss knew this. So I think she did this on purpose.

I wasn't a big fan of my own work but others seemed to like it. I was extremely shy and I was doing this alone. It was my first big assignment and I was hoping I didn't screw it.

It was arranged that he would be dropped of at my studio/home and then picked up in 3 hours. He was coming from getting his hair and make up done.

I bit my lip worriedly, tucking my long red locks behind my ear and adjusting my glasses.

Just as I finished setting up my equipment there was a knock on my studio door.

"Come in," I yelled and took a deep breath. I smiled as a korean man I didnt recognize walked in followed by GD himself. The other man was probably a manager.

"Are you Brieanna," the manager asked

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"Are you Brieanna," the manager asked.

"Yes, I am" i reached out to shake both his and GD's hand. GD's hand was soft and he had a strong grip. He had sunglasses on so I couldnt see his eyes but he had a soft smile playing on his lips. I noticed it got brighter then realized I was staring. I ripped my eyes away and looked up at the manager, they were both taller than me.

"Ill come get him at 9pm," he said and walked out.

My heart started racing when the reality of being alone with G-Dragon was flooding my brain. Come on Brie, you need to be professional about this, I scolded myself.

"This way," I said and lead him to the back room of my house where I did most of my photography.

He took his jacket off and threw it on the black leather couch I had there. He was wearing blue jeans and a white muscle shirt his hair was blonde and slicked back.

I got behind my camera and looked at him.

"Whenever your ready," I said and began fiddling with my equipment as he walked to the front of my camera.

He was extremely quiet and I knew this about him. We were both shy. One thing I noticed is I didnt have to direct him in any way. He was a natural thats for sure.

 He was a natural thats for sure

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G-Dragon One Shots (NC-17)Where stories live. Discover now