My time to enlist was approaching faster then me or any of my bandmates wanted. Even though I was worried and sad about leaving I also knew it could be good for me. For the last 10+ years I have had a crush on my dongsaeng and leader Kwon Jiyong.
My blood would boil everytime I had to watch him do fanservice with Seungri but it would boil even more everytime I met one of Jiyong's many girlfriends.
I would offer my shoulder to cry on when his relationships ultimately failed either because the girl cheated him because she would get tired of waiting around for Jiyong to fuck her or Jiyong wouldn't have enough time to spend on her.
It would break my heart to watch him in so much pain. I just wanted to take it all away.
"Why am I so hard to love hyung?" He would say to me with a tear streaked face.
"I love you," I would think to myself but I would say to him "you just haven't found the right girl yet, you will."
Truthfully in the next two years I was hoping he would find that perfect girl for him and he would marry her and maybe then I would finally be able to move on.
As the time grew nearer my mood started to get darker and darker. My members would want to come visit but I told them I wanted to be alone.
One night when I was fairly drunk and fixing to go to bed I heard a soft knock on my door. I peeked out of the peep hole and saw Jiyong looking heartbroken again. I sighed heavily, I knew he had been dating a model recently and from the look on his face it wasnt going well.
I had half a mind to not open the door but in the end I screwed a warm smile on my face and opened the door.
"Hi Ji, come on in," I said stepping aside. Jiyong was clutching his arms infront of his chest and he slowly entered my home.
"Girl trouble again?" I asked shutting the door.
"Kinda, I guess. The girl I liked has a boyfriend. She said she would consider dumping him if I had sex with her but..." he trailed off and put his head in his hands and started crying.
I sat next to him and placed my hand on his back, rubbing it in soothing circles.
"But what Ji?" I asked him
"I can't get hard, not for her and not for any girl for that matter, im starting to think there is something wrong with me," he sobbed and he turned his body towards me and collapsed against me weeping.
"There is nothing wrong with you Ji," I said softly.
"Then why cant I have sex with my girlfriends?" he said sadly.
"I don't know Ji," it was all I could say. I didnt know why Jiyong's body didn't respond to women.
I know he was fully capable of getting a hard on. It happened a couple times when we doing a concert. Adrenaline had that effect on him. I saw him a couple times jerking off in the bathroom during a break.
He looked at me with watery eyes and he just looked so depressed that I couldn't help it, he would probably freak out on me but I kissed him suddenly, not caring about the consequences.
I broke the kiss off and he stared at me. I prepared myself for the chewing out and punch I was probably going to recieve.
Instead he slammed his lips back against mine and let out a moan of such a sexual nature it gave me a hard on.
I picked him up in my arms and he buried his face in my neck as I carried him to my bedroom.
I laid back falling on to the bed with him ontop of me and I could clearly feel his own erection tenting his jeans.

G-Dragon One Shots (NC-17)
VampireThis is going to be a collection of GD oneshots(Gay, Bisexual, and Straight) This is kinda going to be an idea section also, meaning I may use some of them in longer stories I will write later. WARNING: THIS IS ALL EROTICA so if you dont like sexual...