Captian Kwon

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Gina crossed her arms and stared at her superior officer in defiance. She had back talked once again and was ordered to do 50 push ups as punishment.

The commanding officer got in her face and repeated the command but she simply glared at him. Suddenly Gina found herself shoved into the dirt and felt the officer place a foot on her back.


She looked up at him her eyes flashing in rage but through gritted teeth muttered a "yes Sir". The officer removed his foot and stepped back.

The rest of the girls were sent off for dinner as Gina proceeded to complete her punishment. When she was finally done she showered and changed, cursing her parents who decided the 18 year old was to rebellious and sent her off to this god forsaken boot camp.

The only thing rebellious she had done was enjoying sex way to much. Did that really warrant this torture? Gina had decided that after this was over she would not be returning to her parents, not that she needed to anyway as she was now an adult, having spent her 18th birthday in this hell hole, with no acknowledgement from her crummy excuse for parents.

Having decided she was not hungry she skipped dinner and headed outside looking for a secluded place that she could smoke a cigarette without being caught as tobacco products were banned from the camp. She was clever though and had managed to sneak in a carton, that she kept well hidden.

She found a spot with a few trees she could hide behind and lit up her smoke, inhaling deeply and closing her eyes enjoying the first cigarette she had been able to have for the last 3 days.

She was half way through it when a deep male voice cleared their throat. She rolled her eyes and turned to see the same officer from earlier. He seemed to take a particular interest in harassing her.

 He seemed to take a particular interest in harassing her

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"What are you doing?" The officer asked her.

She turned completely to face him and leaned back against the tree and took another drag off her cigarette and staring at him coldly the whole time.

"I'm knitting a sweater," Gina said sarcastically.

The officer looked so mad Gina thought the vein popping out on his neck was going to burst. She simple screwed on a fake smile and laughed at him.

"You are the most disrespectful little bitch," The officer said through gritted teeth.

"Thanks, I try" Gina said again with even more sarcasm.

She saw the officer's fists clench and then immediately unclench.

"You need to go straight to the commanding officer, now" The officer said to her.

The commanding officer was one that Gina had only ever heard about. She had overheard a couple of the other girls mention him that had actually got a glimpse of him and they fawned over the guy like he was some kind of Greek god.

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