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I stared hard at my reflection of the floor length mirror in the bathroom. After 3 years of hardwork and dedication I finally was back to having my original figure. I was curvy with hips, thighs, butt, and breasts but I was toned from years of dancing. I was a dancer/choreographer by day and news journalist at night. The company I worked for had managed to get a televised interview with my favorite music group, BIGBANG. Since I was well liked and everyone I worked with knew I was a fan they were letting me do the interview. I wore a black corsette dress and black jacket over it and buttoned. I also included a silver chained belt around my hips. When I finished getting ready I took one last look in the mirror and sighed, I guess I looked ok.

 When I finished getting ready I took one last look in the mirror and sighed, I guess I looked ok

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I left the women's bathroom and headed to the room the interview was being done in. Some of the other male employees were staring. I only had to wait about 5 minutes before the door opened again. Taeyang was the first to enter, he was followed by Daesung then Seungri. I greeted each of them with a warm smile and handshake. TOP entered next, all my hellos were friendly but his was intense. His eyes were smoldering and when he shook my hand I felt electricity shoot up my spine. When I let go my skin still tingled. Jiyong was the last to enter and just like with TOP he fixed his gaze on me and I knew my cheeks were flushing. I had to take a minute to breathe a compose myself before finally joining them infront of the cameras and lights.

The interview went on for about an hour and by the time it was over I wasnt sure if my legs were going to support me. TOP and Jiyong had spent the entire interview burning holes into me with their glares. I managed to stand and take a selfie with them before saying goodbye and watching them leave.

I rushed back to the bathroom to splash water on my face to cool myself down and compose myself. After a few more steadying breaths I made my way back into the hallway when a female coworker hurried up to me.

"Hey, two of the members of that group you just interviewed want to talk to you," she said.

"Ok thank you," I said quietly.

"They're in your office," she said before hurrying on about her business.

I went to my private corner office. I always kept my blinds drawn and door closed because I liked being alone when I was working.

I walked through the door to find Jiyong and TOP in my office.

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