The English Tutor

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I tried complaining to YG that I didnt need extra help in learning english but my complaints fell on deaf ears. So despite how much I didn't want to go I walked into the classroom. I hadnt been in one for awhile and there werent alot of people there. The instructor wasnt there yet. I dropped my bag unceremoniously to the floor ignoring the hushed whispers from the others surprised at me being there. I even saw people with their phones out snapping pics and video. I ignored them this time. I plugged my headphones in and listened to a song I was working on and started writing some lyrics down.

Suddenly the ear buds got pulled out and I looked up ready to yell at the person that had the audacity to do that. I stopped myself when I saw who had taken them out.

"I said phones away, that includes you too, Mr. Kwon Jiyong." the girl said with a smirk.

She turned and proceeded to walk away with my phone and headphones.

"Hey, my phone!" I said with irritation.

"You can have it back later," she said looking at me over her shoulder.

I didn't care how pretty she was I didn't like her. She embarrassed me infront of the other people. None if them had their phones taken away. Why was signaling me out?

She handed me my phone back when class was over and I hurried out of the classroom without a word to her or a second glance.

For several weeks I tried to talk YG into letting me drop this but he continued to refuse saying he wanted me to focus on breaking into the western music scene. I didnt care about the western music scene that much though but I did love my American fans so with a heavy sigh I gave up arguing about it.

"Jiyong, stay after class for a few minutes please," Joslyn said as we were getting our things together to leave. She wanted us to call her by her name.

"You're all out of school. Im not big on formalities, just call me Joslyn," she had said once.

I hung back as everyone else left then went and stood by her desk doing ny best to show her how much I didnt want to be there.

"Jiyong, why arent you improving? You have been here for a month now. I know you already can speak english fairly well but everyone else here seems to now be better," she said sitting back in her chair.

"I dont know," I grumbled.

She sighed and I glanced up at her. She really was beautiful. No, stop thinking like that, you dont like her you idiot.

"From everything I hear about you, you are hard working but I havent really been seeing that, should I talk to YG?" she said and I fully glared at her.

She seemed to shift uncomfortably under my stare and I had to bite down the smile that threatened to form. So I can make her uncomfortable, good to know.

"I just have a hard time focusing, sorry. People here keeping staring at me," I said quietly.

She nodded and stood up, god she had an amazing body. Stop being a perv Jiyong.

"Look, how about I give you private classes at my house. That way you dont have to come here," she suddenly offered.

I agreed quickly, anything to get from the leering gazes.

She gave me her address and told me to be there at 2pm. I didnt have a schedule tomorrow so I didnt have a problem with it.

At 2pm the next day I pulled into her driveway. I knocked and she answered she looked cute as ever in a knee length floral skirt and white blouse.

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