Wedding Party Blues

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Jiyong paced impatiently as him, YB, Ri and Dae waited for their eldest hyung to arrive before YB's wedding could start. Jiyong stopped pacing and looked at his reflection in the mirror he figited with his tie and clothes even though nothing was out of place, it was more a nervous habit of his. He ran a hand through his hair and let out the breath he hadnt noticed he was holding when the door to the room they were in opened and Seunghyun finally walked in dressed like he had just walked off a runway.

Jiyong had a sudden urge to have Seunghyun bend him over the table right then and there but considering this was their brother's wedding and the fact they were in a church, made Jiyong swallow his lust down and focus on the day ahead.

Jiyong was so excited and happy for YB, though he would never voice it but he was also envious. Jiyong was bisexual not gay, he does want to marry and have a family but, he shifted his eyes to Seunghyun who was busy talking to Dae and YB, he wanted Seunghyun most of all.

A knock on the door jerked Jiyong out if his thoughts and one of their staff popped their head in to find out if they were ready and YB said "yes". Seunghyun and Jiyong were going to have stay apart for a good portion of the day and evening, the members knew about their relationship but no one else really did.

When the wedding was over the five separated, YB with Hyorin and the others to their respective vehicles to go to the reception.

Seunghyun watched Jiyong from the shadows and his heart ached seeing Jiyong crying as he watched YB and Hyorin having their first dance as husband and wife.

As the reception neared the end Seunghyun saw Jiyong staring at him with a soft smile on his face and his eyes were still wet from his tears. Seunghyun was pretty sure he had never seen Jiyong cry so much.

Seunghyun made his way over to him and the two hugged each other

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Seunghyun made his way over to him and the two hugged each other. Not long enough to raise any suspicion but enough to let the other know how much the other missed them.

Seunghyun took a flute of champagne from a server who was passing and the two made a silent cheers and sipped.

Seunghyun took a flute of champagne from a server who was passing and the two made a silent cheers and sipped

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