This is going to be a collection of GD oneshots(Gay, Bisexual, and Straight) This is kinda going to be an idea section also, meaning I may use some of them in longer stories I will write later. WARNING: THIS IS ALL EROTICA so if you dont like sexual...
I still couldn't believe my Senior Class was going to Seoul for a week for a Senior Class Trip. We waited till after graduation to go. Some girls in my class were fangirls of several kpop groups and even though I wasnt friends with them I would overhear some of their music and I liked what I had heard. I didnt know any of the groups they talked about constantly. They mostly spoke about groups called SHINee and Super Junior. After practically begging the chaperones they were allowed to purchase tickets to some concert that was taking place while we were there.
I didnt really have any friends in my class so I wasnt invited to attend the concert. I was a loner and preferred it that way. I didnt like being around people anyway. I was 18 and the rest of my class was 16-17.
Despite being an "adult" since it was a school trip I was required to follow rules. Rules are meant to be broken, I thought. I was a rebel to some extent and if I found a rule stupid I wouldnt follow it.
When we landed everyone was exhausted from the long flight and since noone wanted to be my roommate I got a room to myself. I showered and decided to lay down for awhile. I woke up to the hotel phone ringing and I answered it. One of the teachers said we were going for dinner so I dressed and headed out to find everyone else.
We ate at a sushi place then headed back to the hotel. Everyone else went swimming and I went back to my room and went back to bed. I woke up to noise in the hallway and found majority of my class drunk. They had all snuck out and gotten shitfaced and were failing at sneaking quietly back into their rooms. I closed the door and headed back to bed.
The next afternoon I saw the chaperones outside in the hallway. Everyone else had gotten caught and as punnishment they all were confined to their rooms for the day. Since I hadnt snuck out and was older they told me I could go sightseeing on my own.
I hurried into my room and changed. There was a park not to far from the hotel I wanted to go sit in and write.
I didnt wear the most comfortable shoes for walking but I made it to the park and sat on a bench to give my feet a rest. I was surprised how empty the park was but didnt mind. I didnt speak korean and I didnt have any desire to have people around me anyway.
As I waited for inspiration for writing I saw a person walking along the path in the park. I could definitely tell the person was male and he looked quite pretty. He passed me with not even a glance in my direction. I turned around on the bench to keep watching him.
"Hangul?" A voice said behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see a rather unattractive man standing way to close to me.
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I shook my head to tell him I didnt understand.
"English?" he asked me.
I nodded and he smiled and stepped closer.
"You party?" He asked
"Sometimes," I said trying to be polite but the look he was giving me was giving me a very creepy vibe and sending a chill up my spine.