Wild N' Young

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GD/OFC (Warning: GD smokes marijuana)

There was a huge party going on in a new club in Seoul and I was surprised I even got in considering the sheer size of the crowd that was there. Regardless I was let in, my heart was pounding a bit because I had to use a fake ID to enter. I was only 19 and I was pretty sure that was to young in Korea to be allowed in a club. They didn't question it and I went to the bar for, yes a soda because I was driving and not irresponsible. I came for the music and to dance nothing more.

After awhile I went out the back door for a cigarette. I was out there alone for awhile sitting on a bench when the back door opened again and an extremely good looking Korean man walked out. He looked extremely familiar but my mind seemed to be drawing a blank. He didn't pay much attention to me though, he simply lit a cigarette and turned his back bracing himself against the wall.

Suddenly the door burst open again and 10 girls filed out practically squealing in delight as they surrounded the man standing by the wall. I couldn't quite grasp what was being said. All I really recognized was the word 'oppa'. I lived in Korea but never got around to really learning the language.

More shrieking girls were suddenly approaching the back of the club and I caught the look on the man's face as he sat down on another bench.

"Jiyongie Oppa, please sign this," I heard girls shrieking.

"I love you GD," other girls screamed.

"Can I get a selfie with you, please," more girls screamed.

Security thankfully showed up and started clearing alot of the girls off.

Now I knew why he looked so familiar. I had seen pictures of him all over the place. I had heard of GD, I was a casual listener to K-pop. I didn't really follow it like fangirls did but I had a playlist of music, most of it was GD or BIGBANG because I liked their music best. I just didn't really watch the music videos and I didn't go to concerts I just listened to whatever was on the radio and I didn't own a TV or computer.

I didn't know much about him but from things I heard he tended to be warm and friendly to fans but right now he looked seriously annoyed.

Couldn't really blame him, he had probably come to enjoy himself and have a chance to let loose but here he was surrounded by fangirls that didn't seem to know the meaning of, personal space

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Couldn't really blame him, he had probably come to enjoy himself and have a chance to let loose but here he was surrounded by fangirls that didn't seem to know the meaning of, personal space.

After watching quietly I finally had enough and stood up approaching the group of 10 girls that were left. Security had successfully cleared off the swarm that came up to the back entrance.

"Don't you guys ever give it a rest," I said loud enough to get all of their attention including his.

They all turned and looked at me and I immediately saw the judgemental looks on their faces. I didn't really care though.

 I didn't really care though

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