Peace & Love

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TOP and I finally got to have a day to ourselves. The other members were off doing some solo projects. We decided to leave early in the morning and go off for a hike in the forests. I honestly didnt care what we did so long as I got to be alone with him. I had fallen for him so hard but was never brave enough to tell him. I was to scared of it hurting our friendship and the damage it could cause to BIGBANG. I hid my true feelings for him and spent more time picking on maknae only because of what doing fanservice with TOP had done to me in the past.

Im not gay, im bisexual and have had serious relationships with girls before but I had recently gotten dumped and TOP was hoping or day trip would cheer me up. What he didnt know just being around him cheered me up.

"You're in awfully deep thought Ji," TOP said as he drove.

"Sorry, I think I spaced for a minute," I said with a laugh.

"Is something on your mind?" he asked glancing at me briefly.

"Not really," I said, I felt guilty about lying to him but I just couldn't tell him.

"Hyung look," I said pointing out the window.

He glanced over to see what I was pointing at. There was an extremely cute girl standing on the side of the road hitchhiking.

 There was an extremely cute girl standing on the side of the road hitchhiking

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He stopped the car and I rolled down my window.

"Do you need help?" I asked her.

"Just a ride," she said her voice was soft.

"Where to," I asked her.

"I don't care," She said and I looked at TOP who just shrugged.

I looked back at her. She didnt look very threatening and she didnt seem to have anything with her. I also found it interesting she didnt recognize us.

"Hop in," I said, I wanted to be alone with TOP but I couldnt not help a girl in need either.

She smiled and climbed into the backseat and TOP continued driving.

"Where are you guys headed," she asked us.

"Hiking in the woods if we can find a good location," I said to her glancing at her in the side mirror. She wasnt just cute she was hot.

"I know of a place not that far from here actually if your interested," She said softly.

"Sure, we can check it out," I said and she proceed to guide us to a place off on a dirt road deep in the woods. We parked and we all got out of the car.

"Come on," she said and she started walking down a overgrown path that unless you knew exactly where you were going you would miss it.

We walked for about 30 minutes when we came to a manmade cabin attached to a stream. There was also a garden.

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