This is going to be a collection of GD oneshots(Gay, Bisexual, and Straight) This is kinda going to be an idea section also, meaning I may use some of them in longer stories I will write later. WARNING: THIS IS ALL EROTICA so if you dont like sexual...
My mother was a world famous fashion designer she was invited to G-Dragon's PeaceMinusOne exhibition and she had promised to take me with her.
My mother passed away a week before the event and I was told by the people helping to organize everything that I was still invited. I wasnt exactly in the partying mood but I wanted to meet G-Dragon so badly that I decided to go anyway.
I should have known going alone was a bad idea considering I was neither a model nor in fashion I couldnt ignore the 'what the fuck' looks I was getting from the other guests.
It wasn't a secret who I was but they seemed to know I really didnt belong there. GD was to busy at the exhibit to pay attention to what was going on between me and several of his female model friends. Some of them had once been mine but our paths ended going in different directions and they never let me forget that I was no longer welcome in their circle.
I could of been a model if I wanted, I had been offered but I didnt like the stuck up better then everyone attitudes 90% of them had.
I stayed in the sidelines drinking alcohol when it was offered and observed. Some people did come over to express their condolences for my loss including GD but that was the extent of our conversation.
I spent most of the night watching him socialize and get hit on by every female in the place. I could feel my anger and jealousy boiling deep in my gut but I pushed it back not wanting to be responsible for ruining his event.
When it was over I was ablebto escape outside for a ciggerette and to call a cab to go home.
"You're coming to the after party right," A voice asked from behind me.
I turned to see GD smoking a ciggerette and for once he wasnt surrounded by a flock of people.
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"No Im not, Im going home" I said just as the 4 mean girls as I called them in my head walked out and started coming towards me and GD.
"I wish you would," he said looking down at his ciggerette.
"Jiyongie love, she isnt a partier she is a wallflower. Just let her go home," one of the girls said.
"On second thought maybe I will," I said and I couldn't help noticing the smile on his face.
I followed him and the girls to his rented car and did my best to hide the bitterness when one of the girls was getting way to flirty with him in the backseat. He didn't seem all that interested but he could of just been hiding it since there were other people around.
The party was going well, I drank more and actually found my way to the dance floor. GD even came over and danced with me a few times.
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He excused himself to the bathroom and I went to the bar for another drink where I found my self surrounded by the 4 bitches from earlier.
"You need to take a step back from GD, he is mine," the obvious leader of the pack hissed at me.
"I dont really think he belongs to anyone, least of all you," I spat back. I had enough of their bullshit.
"You dont belong here, you are only here because Jiyong and his friends felt bad about you losing your mom. They are just being nice," she said taking a step towards me.
"Maybe he likes me," I said smirking at her. "I havent exactly seen him dancing with you or anyone else for that matter, only me. Maybe he appreciates that im not a total cunt"
The next thing I knew I had four drinks dumped on me and out of the corner of my eye I saw GD watching the whole thing. The girls laughed and I stood there shocked and trying to decide the best course of action.
Everything stopped and all eyes had turned towards me and the group of girls at the bar.
I placed my barely touched drink back on the bar.
"You win," I said and I turned and fled out of the club tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Wait" a familiar voice said behind me just as I slipped on gravel and fell.
GD was by my side his hand on my back.
"Are you alright," he asked me.
"I broke my promise," I whispered
"What promise?" He asked me
I looked at him and my tears only fell harder.
"That I would never let them see me cry," I gasped trying to control the tears.
"I can kick them out of the party," he said helping me up to my feet.
"I just want to go home," I said taking an unsteady step backwards.
"Ill take you home," he said guiding me back to the car he was driving.
I didnt argue with him I was greatful he was going the extra mile.
"Im sorry I ruined your party," I said as he pulled into my driveway. "Thank you for the ride I hope you can still enjoy your night"
I started to get out of the car but his hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I turned to look at him and his lips were suddenly pressed against mine.
I broke it off with a gasp and looked at him confused.
"I want you," he whispered at me.
I had a feeling this would be a one time thing but I was feeling needy and couldn't bring myself to care what this was. As soon as we were in the house he shoved me against the door his lips catching mine in a seering kiss. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him even harder against him as he shoved his tounge into my mouth.
He broke away leaving me panting. I tore my vest off and pulled the halter top I was wearing over my head tossing it to the floor. I reached over to him and pulled his black tshirt up over his head and then ran my hands down the front of his torso letting my fingers linger around his nipples. I leaned down and flicked my tounge against one of them and he gasped. I lowered one of my hands to the erection tenting his jeans and palmed it through the material.
I sank to my knees infront of him and undid his belt and zipper sliding his jeans down with his boxers. I looked up at him as I slowly sucked his hardness down my throat.
"fuck baby..." he groaned and grabbed his hips and started moving them back and forth until he realized I wanted him to fuck my mouth. He got a tight hold of my hair and startes thrusting his hips harder. I moaned around him.
" feels so good..." He growled he pulled out and stood me back up and reached between my legs tearing my panties away.
He hosied me up onto his hips and braced me back against the wall as he entered me.
"oh yes... Jiyong..." I cried out in pleasure as he pounded into me.
I had my hand between my legs rubbing my clit vigoursly knowing neither of us would last long.
I shrieked when I came my head falling back and he bit into my neck as he came after me. Both of our bodies trembled in each others arms as we made our way to the bedroom.
"Your party?" I said sleepily
"Id much rather be here," he said pulling me into his arms and we both drifted off to sleep.