Love's First Kiss

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Riddick's Ship

"Holy man, how's she doin'? She got herself a job with that fancy degree of hers?" Iman's brow furrowed and it took him far longer than usual to make eye contact with Riddick. "Holy man?"

"Mr. Riddick. I have-. That is I'm-."

"She found out didn't she," he finished for him.

Iman's eyes snapped to his and he nodded sadly. "She overheard Lajjun, my wife, and I talking after I last called you. Needless to say she was most upset and felt as though I had betrayed her. I explained how I had given you only small updates, lacking details, but it made little difference to her. She would not speak to me for nearly a week and only after Lajjun spoke with her. Once she did speak again, it was more of an interrogation to find out exactly what I had told you about her."

For the first time, in as long as he could remember, Riddick was angry with her. "I see."

"She is like a daughter to me. I canno-."

"S'okay, I understand." But it wasn't okay. Iman was his only link to her and she was forcing him to sever it. "Don't lose my number - just in case."

"I won't. May god be with you Mr. Riddick and please remember that you are always welcome in my home."

Riddick nodded before ending the communications link. "You can keep Iman from tellin' me shit about you, but you can't keep me from showin' up."


Nearly a year after graduation...

Kyra came into the jewelry store through the back entrance and looked around for any sign of Rob or Jason, but everything seemed quiet. "Hm? Where are they? Rob?" The object of her affection soon poked his head out of the storeroom. "Hey, I have our lunch."

"I see something far more appetizing though," he quipped.

Rob walked up to her and relieved her of the bag of food and her purse. Smiling he ran his hands into her hair and lowered his lips to hers. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but when he felt Kyra press herself against him he lost it. She parted her lips, beckoning him to deepen the kiss, which he willingly did as she wrapped her arms around him. She could feel the evidence of his desire growing and pressing against her stomach the longer they kissed and soon moaned into his mouth. The sound brought him back into reality. He instantly broke the kiss, broke the contact between their bodies, and held her face in his hands with his forehead touching hers, trying to regain control over himself.

Rob let out a disgruntled sound causing her to laugh. "How much longer?" he groaned.

"You're entirely to blame for the state you're in. You're the one who is saying we can't. Not me."

"How much longer?" he repeated, nipping the tip of her nose.

"Two months. One month after I turn nineteen and move in with you, if that helps, but still two long agonizing months, Rob."

"Until you become Mrs. Robert Andrew Wages III and I can have my way with you."

"Stubborn man. You could have had your way with me the minute you put this ring on my finger."

"We're waiting and I'm not backing out of the decision."

Kyra gave him a coy look. "Rob," she began, her hands smoothing up his chest, "those cold showers still working for you?"

He cleared his throat and grabbed the bag. "I think our food is getting cold."

"Nice change of subject."

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now