Blast From the Past

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Kyra didn't wake up until a full twenty-four hours later. Going to stretch, she found herself with restraints on her arms and legs and felt something pinching her skin at the bend of her arm. With no immediate recollection of how she got like this, she began to panic.

"What the hell? Where-."

Slowly the events of the past days came flooding back, remembering that she was a prisoner on board a ship headed god knows where with a man whose face she hadn't even seen.


And still no lights. Although not a complete surprise, she had no recollection past getting sick, and now she was strapped to a table wondering just what the hell the fucker had done to her.

"Hey!" she screamed. "I know you can fucking hear me! Get the hell in here!"

Riddick walked into the lightless room and looked at her with something akin to disgust. "You rang?"

She paused for a second as a brief pang of recognition hit her when he spoke. "What the hell happened?"

"You were thrashing around like a wild animal. I had to restrain you to start the IV and sedate you. You had a severe allergic reaction, probably the fish. Something tells me you knew that would happen though."

Kyra had listened intently to his voice this time. An image of looking up at Ragin's face flashed through her mind, almost making her sick. She swallowed the lump that had welled up in her throat before speaking.

"I'm allergic to it," she admitted, "but it's never been a bad reaction. I was starving, that was the only food in front of me, and I don't recall being offered a menu. How long have I been out?"

"Twenty-four hours."

Her bladder was full, but not as if she had never gone in the past twenty-four hours, which made her wonder if he used a catheter on her. She tasted bile that rose in her throat at the thought of him touching her like that, but she wanted to know. "That's a long time to lay here and not-."

He knew what she was dancing around before she finished. "Medbay computer and the body imaging system walked me through giving a catheter. And don't worry. I don't fuck around with women unless they're willing...and conscious."

Relief was there, but it still didn't make her happy that he had touched her. However, she supposed it was better than sleeping in her own waste. "Let me the hell up. I need to go to the bathroom."

"No please?"

"Pretty please with a heaping fucking spoonful of sugar on top that I hope you choke on! Happy now?" she sneered.

It was a good thing she couldn't see him, because he actually smiled in spite of himself, but did as she so politely asked. He removed her IV, then unlocked the restraints. He helped her sit up, and an unexpected wave of dizziness swept over her. She grabbed his shoulders to steady herself then quickly withdrew her hand as if she had been burned. It was at that point she realized that she was wearing a large towel with her sports bra and no underwear on beneath it.

"Where are my clothes? What did you do to me?"

His straw of civility snapped.

"You ungrateful bitch. You knew exactly how fuckin' sick you were and I saved your sorry ass. That's what I did. You had a dangerous fever, you were unconscious, and I had to hold you in a cold fuckin' shower freezing my own god damn ass off to get it down when I coulda let you die!"

"If you hadn't kidnapped me then I wouldn't have to worry about being an ungrateful bitch. But, since you did, just leave me a fucking bill for your services and I'll pay it on my way out!"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now